Hello everyone, just tumbled on this community today, I really need to loose weight and get healthy.
Mission to promote healthy lifestyle - Weight Loss Support
Mission to promote healthy lifestyle
Hi and welcome, Simpliviv
I'm sure you won't regret happening upon this community.
To make navigating the forum easier, we've put all the information you'll need in a newbie pack and here's the link
Please take the time to read it carefully, so that you're able to enjoy everything that we have on offer.
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Wishing you all the best
Stick with us, embrace the community and dont let your mission self destruct!
If you are looking for support and advice, you are in the right place!
Thanks Steelad, for sure I’m in the right place hopefully I will achieve my goal and help to loose weight, support, inspire, motivate someone to a healthier lifestyle
Hi Simpliviv, I'm new too. I need to establish a healthier lifestyle and loose about 4 1/2 stone in the process. Using this site to give me some support to establish those changes. Good luck to you
Welcome to the site simpliviv, id just say read all that you have been sent from moreless as it will help you navigate around this site. Use the BMI Calculator as it will help you find what your range is for you to lose weight. Any questions that you have ask them as everyone on here is here to help each other as much as possible. Join in as much as you can as you’ll find good advice and ideas within the posts that are on here.
Once again welcome to the site and good luck on your journey.
Onwards and downwards.
I do to I’m not getting anywhere