Daily Diary Saturday 24th March 2018 - Weight Loss Support

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Daily Diary Saturday 24th March 2018

Salcheq profile image
61 Replies

Dear all Daily Diarists, and welcome to you lovely regulars and any newbies.

My poster today I think has two purposes - one to reflect on how lovely this forum is and how a helping message or two can really help someone out - so don't forget to comment on each other's posts and provide that little bit of support, but also don't forget to be honest and speak with those special people elsewhere in your life. My mission this week is to reach out to some old friends and set up some social things.

Now, on to business, tell me what you're planning on eating on Saturday, with calories if you're counting and exercise if you're doing any.

Plan for me looks like this:

B - porridge with banana and marmalade - 350 cals

L - not sure yet, might be out and about with my son - so maybe around 500 cals

D - spicy chicken and pepper fajita wrap - 500 cals

Evening snack will be popcorn or crisps with a film, but not chocolate, as I've decided I need to go cold turkey with my chocolate habit - I can't do a little bit, I can only do the whole lot!

Exercise will be a brisk 45 walk with steep hills in the morning, then some wandering about with my son.

Can't wait to hear all your plans - here comes the weekend - yippeeee!

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Salcheq profile image
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61 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

What a lovely post Salcheq 😀. I have no idea what I shall be eating tomorrow as I am away all weekend, but will think of you all supporting me and choose wisely 😀

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to IndigoBlue61

Have a wonderful weekend IndigoBlue61 I hope it goes well.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Salcheq

Thank you. 😊

Tiggerr profile image

A great post Salcheq and totally agree about the forum side plus about contacting friends and family.

Lovely food especially as I'm a big fan of wraps at the moment. Enjoy your film night.

B: 30g porridge, fresh fruit and pumpkin spice mix (360)

L: 100g ham, egg, cheese & mayo in a multiseed tortilla wrap (561)

S: Seafood chowder (my first attempt and nicked the idea from Hidden ) (u/k) Dessert dependent on how many cals in the chowder

Drinks: Chilli/Worcestershire tomato juice, coffees and water

Exercise: Dog walking and working on kitchen

Have a jolly good weekend everyone :) :)

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to Tiggerr

That lunch looks like a tasty classic. What are you doing to the kitchen Tiggerr ? Do you have to finish the work before you cook?!

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Salcheq

It's a utility room that I'm converting into a kitchen purely for our airbnb people. I keep prevaricating of the tiling and finding another bit to do in or another but I've just about run out of other jobs and I'll have to bite the bullet :O

in reply to Tiggerr

Ooo enjoy that chowder - something I need to put on my to do list as well ;)

in reply to Tiggerr

Aw enjoy the chowder! My 3 tips to an easy chowder: Keep it simple (poach the fish in milk and add potato and leek soup, use smoked fish and add plenty of dill. ;-) that's how I like mine! I don't even bother with cream nowadays, it doesn't add much! You share your recipe too!

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to

The recipe I found doesn't have some of what you say but I can still try and incorporate them. Thanks.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Tiggerr

What recipe are you using Tiggerr? I use tinned tomatoes and red pepper 😊

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to IndigoBlue61

Sounds like there must be a zillion ways of making it. It is a random one I found on the net that seemed to fit my idea of something I've never had (Huh!). Your way sounds different again but then that's the beauty of food.

Last night I was surrounded by people who said they could never think of what to eat. I just said I didn't have that problem but felt I'd be beating my head against a brick wall to point out all the recipe books they have, the availability of the internet, their own experience and all the foodie programs and magazines....LOL!!!!

Now that I've just written that 'out aloud', possibly planning ahead is what makes the difference and trying to think up something on the spot is the reason for their thinking.


Tomorrow is a day out meeting my friends and we plan to have a long walk and talk 8 miles total and stop somewhere for lunch.

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to

Meeting with friends seems to be the theme of the day jo, a long walk and talk sounds so perfect, have a great day.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

That sounds lovely jo 😊. Have you planned your evening meal ?

in reply to IndigoBlue61

Yes soup and sandwiches if we are having lunch out.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Always good to have a plan 😊. Have a lovely day

wakywoo profile image
wakywoo1 stone

Hi Salcheq thanks for hosting! One of my sisters and I always seem to be on a similar journey with weight loss even though she has reached her goal. It is great to be able to talk to someone who understands stuff!

I have started round 2 of bsd - 800 cals a day for 8 weeks, although I upped last time to 1000 after 4 weeks and then was back to 1400 by 8.

Had a great day 1 after my weigh in 'this has got to stop' moment this morning.

Brunch - crustless quiche with salad and avocado - 400

Dinner - poached trout with mushroom stroganoff - 350

Snacks - a small pear or scoop of natural yoghurt. Black coffee, sparkling water and fruit teas.

Ex - got a sore back today, if better will do a 5k park run

Tip - don't waste time beating yourself up; take control and make changes. It will make you feel better even if they are little ones.

Have a Super Saturday

in reply to wakywoo

Ooo I couldn't do the BSD - too low cals for me, wishing you all the best with it :)

poached trout with mushroom stroganoff sounds different

wakywoo profile image
wakywoo1 stone in reply to

I was the same, but it worked well last year and it helped me break my sugar cravings - until Christmas got in the way!

in reply to wakywoo

trout is one of the loveliest fish! yum!

have a nice day!

wakywoo profile image
wakywoo1 stone in reply to

Thanks Happy I agree, and lower cals than salmon.

rutheliza profile image
rutheliza in reply to wakywoo

well done on such good planning and thanks for the tip. I will have to remember that

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to wakywoo

Love the tip wakywoo , and poached trout - yum! You've packed some lovely food into those low cals.

katy9617 profile image
katy9617 in reply to wakywoo

I am loving that tip about beating yourself up.. I am so bad about that and forget to congratulate myself on small victories. thank you!

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to wakywoo

Great tip Wakywoo 😊. Hope your back is soon feeling better, have a good day

Hi and thanks for hosting Salcheq totally agree about your picture saying how lovely this forum is and the support received :)

Hope you have a lovely lunch with your son - rest of the menu sounds yummy too :)

here's my menu

Breakfast - Bacon roll and an avocado = 470 cals cals

Lunch - H/M cauli cheese = 362 cals

Tea - Tuna pasta bake = 450 cals

Drinks - water until the evening then 2 glasses of wine (we have friends round ;) ) = 340 cals

A few nibbles with the wine = 200 cals

Total 1822 cals (NHS Calorie range 1559 - 2004)

Exercise - walk with the wee ones to gymnastics, we may go swimming later as well

Tip- plan those little treats especially when you have friends round ;)

Wishing everyone a great day :)

in reply to

love every bite of your menu Hidden ! good to get avocado into breakfast!

rutheliza profile image
rutheliza in reply to

great tip, thank you. Wine and nibbles sounds great

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to

Cracking planning Casualty and a tasty menu. You've reminded me to get back into avocado - so good with bacon. I hope you have a lovely evening with friends.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

What a yummy menu Casualty (apart from the avocado!!! lol ) 😊. Enjoy your evening

rutheliza profile image

hi Salcheq , thanks for your lovely post and picture. Tomorrow's plan

B- mushrooms, scrambled eggs and avocado, 250, half grapefruit,25

L- half tin tomato soup, 80, cheese, 100, pumpkin seeds and cream, 100

D- half large steak and kidney pie, veg, 500

milk in tea and coffee, 100

snacks, banana, 100, apple and cheese, 130. Gin and tonic, 150. I'll be going for a run with the dog. Would like to go to a trampoline park, but so far I can't persuade anyone to come with me. Hope everyone has a good weekend

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to rutheliza

What a lovely menu rutheliza , I can't remember the last time I had a steak and kidney pie - yum! I quite often want to join my children at a trampoline park, I think it looks such fun and great exercise as long as you're careful. Have a great day.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to rutheliza

Have a great day Rutheliza 😊. I was listening to the radio about how adult themed play parks, trampolines etc are the next ‘big thing’ 😊. I hope someone will accompany you

Salcheq cheers for looking after the diary today! I love the little pic, and it couldn't be more apt for me today! I've recently offloaded to my sister and found so much comfort in sharing my troubles! Having good friends, old or new, is such a balm to life's rocky moments. I do feel I am among friends here on the forum too.

Saturday diary - max 3000

Now, that may seem extreme, but looking back through my food logs I can see i hit 3000 very easily on party days or celebrations.. I'm planning it that way.. if I go under, great!

B - In work for over time- Weetabix, yoghurt, seeds, coffee (350)

L - chowder left overs (300)

D - With a group of pals for a girls' night out. Starts with Chinese takeaway, followed by wine and nibbles, followed by cocktails out, followed by a night of dancing and drinking. If we get a bit drunk this has been known to lead to 2am chips or some other stodgy grub! I'm allowing a colossal 2350 for this evening. Hoping it will be less but we shall see. (2350)

EX - dancing and general merriment

TIP- Be realistic about your plans.

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to

That is taking being realistic to new levels - but what an inspiration to us. How many of us plan to eat lighter than is really realistic in certain situations, and then feel like we've failed if we don't manage it. And I'm sure you'll pull it back in later in the week with your steely determination with those fast days. Have an amazing evening with friends.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Well done on planning for such an event HappyBeee 😊. Have a super time and enjoy the dancing

Good evening Salcheq I hope you had a good week. Mine was a bit down at the start now ok. More weight loss so that was good.

Breakfast Puffed wheat and a apple skimmed milk and coffee. 200 cals

Dinner H.M Veg soup and roll 400 Cals strawberries and yogurt. 200 cals

Tea. Salad with egg and cheese .300 cals. 150 skimmed milk for drinks.

Total 1250. That leaves me will 200 for something else.

I shall be having my walk as usual and I also have a parcel to pick up from m&s.

Have a good Saturday everyone.

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to

Hi Caroline, I hope your week is picking up, great news that you're still losing. My week has been a bit of a rollercoaster, but generally good, and I'm looking forward to a slightly unusual weekend with just one child while the other one is off enjoying herself at a residential activity weekend.

I hope your parcel from M&S is something nice to enjoy. Have a great Saturday.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Have a lovely day Caroline 😊

katy9617 profile image

I am with you salcheq, I am thinking cold turkey on the chocolate habit. I had some yesterday and instead of a little piece like I was planning, I ate the whole bar which was a king size! it made me a little sick which I think may be good as I am really craving some healthy alternatives now. I was doing well at eating fruit for about 2 weeks and when I quit I started craving chocolate again. here's going back to healthy fruit!

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to katy9617

Let's do this! I go through stages when I can eat a little bit of chocolate, but right now it is the whole lot or nothing. So nothing it must be. Good luck, cheering you on.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to katy9617

You can do it Katy!! Chocolate has that effect on me too, I find it easier to steer clear . . .

elliebath profile image

Good morning Salcheq

Not sure exactly what I shall be eating today but I do know that I shall try to be careful with my choices. Just returned last night from 5 days in Florence with pasta, pizza, risotto, gnocchi, ciabbatta, gelato on EVERY menu... and chianti of course 😯. I only found a good salad once. Needless to say, even though I walked a lot I'm still feeling a bit lumpy, so I will wait a couple of days before I weigh myself. Breakfast today will be 2 boiled eggs and some greek yoghurt they should satisfy me for a while.

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to elliebath

Good morning elliebath , sounds like a wonderful trip, good plan to have a good couple of days before weighing! Have a great Saturday.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to elliebath

Welcome home Ellie, I’m glad you had a good time but sorry the food was so calorific, I hope you enjoyed yourself though?

Good plan to wait a few days before weighing 😊

Have a good weekend

elliebath profile image
elliebathMaintainer in reply to IndigoBlue61

And you too Anna ☺

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Good morning

I’m awake bright and early and looking forward to my trip into Edinburgh

Breakfast will be fresh fruit, yogurt and dessert spoonful of granola

Lunch will be out but I’m hoping for a nice salad

Dinner tonight is bbq pork with salad and wraps

Gin and tonic

Quite calorific but I’m hoping under my 1500 maximum 😊

Hoping for a fair bit of walking too

Have a great weekend folks


Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to IndigoBlue61

Loving the sound of those bbq pork wraps Anna, have a lovely day.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Salcheq

Thank you 😊

elliebath profile image
elliebathMaintainer in reply to IndigoBlue61

That all looks pretty safe to me !

FattySquirrel profile image

Hi Salcheq,

I think you are right, talking to someone about your ups and downs gives you the feeling that you really do matter.

I’m at football match, my 10 yr olds playing. Kick off in 10 mins so I am just making my plan.

B: 2 scrambled eggs (120 +20)🥚🍳 ( but Asian style with onion chilli 🌶 and coriander.)

And two whole meal toasts(2@55)


L: vegetable 🍅 tagine (batch cooked last night 5 portions @ 218kcal) with bulgar wheat (70 kcal)

Maybe one slice toast (55)


D: salmon (216kcal) plus 6 asparagus(10 kcal!!!!) plus two baby potatoes.(77 kcal)

Plus a 120 kcal portion fruit 🍇 🍈 🍉 salad.

120+ 303kcal =423 kcal

Snacks: 30g nuts ( 182 kcal)

30g dry fruit (108 kcal)

2-3 dates (90kcal) to stop the sweet craving

Apple 80kcal

Two clementines 80kcal

TOTAL: 1576kcal

My Bmi allowance: 1523-1958kcal

I hope I can stick to it now as it’s taken me nearly and hour to work it out and type it!

Enjoy your Saturday everyone.

I’ll probably see you at 8pm ish- my DANGER OVER EATING time!!!!

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to FattySquirrel

Hi FattySquirrel nice to have you with us on the daily diary today. I need to get better at taking my own advice and talking with friends more!

That is a seriously well planned, and delicious day there. Your snacks sound so good to get you through any tricky parts of the day - do you save any of them for the 8pm danger zone slot?!

I'm not a huge scrambled egg fan, but your version sounds amazing.

Wishing you a wonderful day.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to FattySquirrel

Well done on the planning 😀. I love the sound of the Asian style scrambled eggs!

FattySquirrel profile image
FattySquirrel7lbs in reply to IndigoBlue61


FattySquirrel profile image

Sometimes I have some dates and dry apricots left over but today I’ll be saving dates and apricots completely for danger time!!

Salcheq I am having serious issues with a weak bladder! I am drinking 2@300ml glasses of water with each meal and I feel so good wen I do but I can’t even get out of the car at this match because I am constantly needing the loo!

This is also part of the reaso. Of weight gain as I try to avoid water since I had my three yr old else I can’t even drive from one school to another!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to FattySquirrel

You might want to try some pelvic floor exercises, rather than limiting fluids, Amaad-Mum :)


FattySquirrel profile image
FattySquirrel7lbs in reply to moreless

I know I have been doing them on and off, I’ll try and fit in a time at night. Thanks

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to FattySquirrel

You should try doing them every time you sit down, including when going to the toilet :)

FattySquirrel profile image


FattySquirrel profile image

I’m really tired now. All my snacks finished but I still to clear kitchen dishes. Really slow now ...... I just hope I don’t spoil my day by eating something wrong.

YellowRose55 profile image

Thank you Salcheq for being a brilliant host in today's Daily Diary. :)

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