How. Do you sort out your food intake each day when you don’t eat much my daily food can be about 10/15 cups tea.s/s milk and 3 sugar that my downfall sugar as I’m not a great sleeper when I was on the cigarettes I would rather have tea an cigarettes than food as i only like tea day and night food can be some days noting till dinner at 5/30 an 6 bowl soup 2 slice bread other days can be 2 s/toast jam mid day then diner can be nothing or bowl cereal or one day could be chicken veg potatoes then I won’t eat next day lots foods I don’t like over years I just got myself into lazy routine I would rather have 20 cigarettes an cups Off tea all day and night than having food yet I would make 3 meals a day for my children and husband wouldn’t eat myself now I’m off cigarettes for health reasons it still cups tea but no food now feel sick at thought off eating HELP and advice would be greatly appreciated xxx
Nell 70: How. Do you sort out your food... - Weight Loss Support
Nell 70

Hi and welcome to this wonderful forum 👋🤗
Could you try making a large batch of soup (as you mentioned you eat that atm) then try having wholegrain bread with it and some butter on your bread. Perhaps if you ate this for lunch, your cereal for breakfast (wholegrain again if you can) then small piece of meat in the evening with vegetables (not potatoes) and repeated this every day for a couple of weeks you might find it becomes more of a routine and your body starts to become more use to it? Can you possibly start cutting down on the sugar in your tea and use whole milk, try using a smaller teaspoon to start then try reducing number of them?
Good luck and keep posting, it really does help 👍
Hello again Nell70
Firstly, retraining our eating takes time, and I prefer to do this one step at a time. If you are drinking 20cups of tea that could be a lot of calories in milk and sugar. Unfortunately these are what I call “empty” calories as there is no nutritional value in sugar. But as your tummy is full of tea it won’t feel hunger. Secondly if you are having lots of sugar this disrupts the hunger and appetite hormones.
I agree with xvanillaskyx that small changes are the way to go. Reducing sugar and number of cups of tea is the first thing, although I realise this has been a big crutch in stopping smoking.
Something I would do is focus on food quality, good healthy fats, protein and fresh fruit and vegetables. Without knowing what your personal likes and dislikes are I can’t make any suggestions, but soup is an excellent start. Easy meals like boiled eggs, roast meat etc are excellent. I would also ask to see a dietician so she can work out an eating plan for you that works with your medication.
You are doing very well, please don’t be despondent, you have come so far 😊
Very best wishes
Thank you I actually feel a bit better today having other people to talk to about this I feel my health scare has finally given me the push to start helping myself instead of everyone else xxx
That is great news Nell70 I had a massive health scare last Christmas, surprised I am here to tell the tale but I am and this forum has really been my saviour - there are so many wonderful people on here and we are all here for the same reason.
I was so frightened that I was going die everything goes through head this has been my Big wake up call I have stopped the cigarettes without even a patch or a spray or an E cig I am so proud of myself I ha been a smoker since I was as 14 and I am now 47 I always said wouldn’t give up my cigarettes for nothing as I enjoyed smoking but now I am glad I went as thay say cold turkey i don’t miss them now even with my tea lol thank you again for being there to talk to xxx
Welcome Nell70 you have come to the right place for support and inspiration.
You will also be a source of inspiration for many having given up smoking.
I hope you don't mind me saying that I am a bit concerned about the little amount of food you are eating, it really won't help you to lose weight. Your body needs some good nourishment in order to kick start weight loss.
I note you eat toast, have you tried smashing half an avocado on it - that is a really good fat and very beneficial for our bodies. Do you make your own soup using lovely vegetables with maybe some lentils in, again very healthy.
Why not have a look in the recipe thread and see what others cook or pop over to Daily Diary, such a load of interesting menus every day, I am sure we can tempt you with something.
I always think that we have to make food our friend and not our enemy.
Take care and good luck.
By not eating much without realising it this is your problem. It was mine too. I used to only eat around 1000 Cals and always tried to drop my calories further when on a diet but always put on weight. Now I know that this was my problem, by not eating enough calories your body thinks your starving it and turns what you do eat into body fat and this weighs more than eating the extra calories does so it stops you from losing weight and sometimes puts weight on instead. I couldn't believe it when I had to eat more not less to be able to lose weight but it did work for me. By eating the amount of calories it tells you to eat between in the NHS bmi calculator to be able to lose weight and making sure you have some protein and healthy veg and fats you should be much better. Good luck with your journey.
Thank you once Iv learned how to work everything out hopefully it will start working for me at moment my walking is limited as I am in bandages from top my thigh to toes because of the cellulitis infection I have to get my dressings changed twice a day hopefully it won’t be for much longer then my walking will improve I won’t have to take as much medication as I’m taking at the moment have good days and bad days it just trying to stay positive; take care xxx
Believe it or not i have spoke few times to health professionals about my eating the look I got was as if to say are you kidding me on and Thay weren’t intrested so i never mentioned it again I also went to slimming world for 5 months I lived on grapes strawberries chicken all that time woman asked me go see her next class she told I was just wasting hers an my Owen time because I wasn’t eating enough so didn’t return to her group xxx
That’s very rude and disheartening Nell70 , although SW works for some people it wouldn’t suit me!
When you get chance go and have a look at the Daily Diary and see the kinds of things people on here are eating, it may give you some ideas at least 😊