Hi! newbie here! I lost 4kg but I gained it all back. Now I'm back to my old habits and I feel awful. I want to change but I don't know where to start. I need help.
I gained it all back.: Hi! newbie here... - Weight Loss Support
I gained it all back.

Don't feel bad. We've all been there. Do you count calories? That will get you on the right track. Good luck.

I do count my calories but after gaining the weight back I feel awful and I lose the motivation and willpower to do it again.
Don't give up. I know it's real hard but if we don't do it now then it will only get worse and we will feel bad. It's definitely worth the try. Try changing up your menus some. Check out the recipes thread. You can do it.

Thak you. Do you have any tips to avoid craving sugary foods or binge eating? Do you have any tips? I don't know where to start.
I lose weight by eating bf , snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Very healthy foods and lots of water, no sweets, breads, cheeses, crackers basically only carbs in veggies and fruits. Alot of people count calories and don't restrict anything. I can't keep it all straight that way.

thank you! I really appreciate it. I'm starting tomorrow, and you're right if I don't do it now it will only get worse.
Hi, don't give up. Take it one day at a time....make sure you eat enough protien at each meal (it helps fill you up) remind yourself why you want to lose weight....before you put anything in your mouth ask yourself am I hungry? Is the food I'm about to put in my mouth going to satisfy my or make me feel like I've fallen back into my old habits..... you can do this. Good luck ☺
Hi atEase have a good read of the newbie thread as it will help you with all the information regarding the site and the 12 week plan where many of us on here are / have followed
Please look at the newbie thread that I pointed you to in your other post and please do the BMI calculator to get your recommended calories as 1200 calories is way too low
Wishing you all the best on your weight loss journey
As others have already said, it's a situation many of us have experienced, myself included. Like you I'm angry with myself & I found it very difficult to get back into the right frame of mind to re-start weight loss, I started & stopped a few times before finally getting back on the wagon. It's something nobody can do for you, you have to do it because you absolutely want to & it sounds as though you've reached that point. Good luck to you.
Thank you. I just started today, and right now, I feel bad because I know that I need start all over again. How did you get back on track?
It took me quite a few false starts, I tried my previous weight loss method which had been very succesful but nothing got me going, so eventually I decided I'd reward myself for every 7lbs I lose. I had my first reward this week with a trip to the hairdressers, my next reward will be a new handbag but I've got to lose another 7lbs first. I find it easier to break it down into small, easier to achieve targets. I'm sure you'll find a way that works for you, good luck.
I don't know your situation and I know it's not easy when you have others at home who eat different things, easier for me as I don't have to worry about that, but when I started healthy eating, I went through all my cupboards and donated all the food I wasn't going to eat any more to the local food bank. I know that if I eat even a small amount of my trigger foods - especially cake - it sets off cravings that make me miserable for days, so I now avoid anything that makes me feel that way. If I don't eat them, I now don't crave them. It's not always easy when it's someone's birthday and everyone around you is eating cake but my friends have been very understanding and don't push me to have a slice.
I hope you can get your family and friends to support you too, it helps. Wishing you well.
We all do it over and over don't get down your self. Just pick your self up and start over. This time change and learn as you go. It's forever this time learn by your mistakes, or you will keep doing the same thing. I'm stilll losing but I don't know how many times I start over because I didn't learn my mistakes. I'm half way there I'm not on a diet I'm learning health way. I still want to give up at times but I tell my self what for to grow bigger to feel bad. I want to go forward. Not backward.
I've been going 1 1/2 yrs learning as I go. I'm cooking for my self learning how make things I like a healthier ways. I learn to change things so I'm not getting a rut of same old stuff. I learn how to keep health stuff if I eat late to be able to fix fast. I've freeze things like soup to grab with fruit so I don't eat things I shouldn't because it's easy. I've learn to make better choices when I go out to eat and where I can eat to. I ask if they can cook it with sauces. Hold the breads and cheese off my salad. Ask for dressings on the side so I know how much I put on my salads. There are many things you can learn the longer you stick to it the longer it states like going out to eat. I look at the menu before I go out. I ask for take out menu for a quick order for lunch. Some time it's easy to look at a senior menu or look at the kids size so you not to over eat. Ask them not to bring bread to the table also. Ask to see if they have steam veggies. If I'm in the mood for sweets I will have someone order one I will only take a bite of it and I'm fine everyone will share it. There's many tricks out there. Make sure your plates at home are small dinner plates. They way they use to make them bowels also are small.
I find that my old habits come back when Im feeling less calm. I find Im most successful when I have a calm and quiet mind (difficult in this day and age). Can I recommend 10 minutes of mindfulness every day to centre your thoughts. I find it helps.
Big hug atEase! Well done for sharing! keep a diary of everything you eat & calorie count (before you eat it!) That will slow you down & help you make the choice of what to eat & how much ... The recommendation for females is 1,400 cals per day. Drinking lots of water (I put a slice of lemon in mine) helps keep you full & hydrated (sometimes our bodies are thirsty not hungry). Don't worry, keep in touch & don't give up ...
I've been counting my calories. My first day was a struggle, and to be honest, I give in to my sweet cravings. The next day, I did not eat any sweets at all and I was very happy. But today, my family is giving me a hard time. Every time I look at the calories, fats, and sugars of what I eat they keep giving me the look. Sometimes they make rude comments about my eating habits and it really bothers me. So I gave in, I grab the rice Krispies they just bought a while ago and ate it in front of them. I ate 5 of those today. I'm feeling down 'cause I don't feel any support at all, especially my own family.
Today, when we were at Walmart, I ask my mom and my sister not to buy too many snacks or dessert just to help me resist my sugar cravings and it kinda felt like they don't really care. I don't blame them at all, I guess I have to work on my willpower.
I think that they rather see me eat unhealthy foods with them than try to change these bad habits, or maybe they have not realized that we need to change yet - if this makes sense at all. And I don't see myself changing if this keeps going on. This is also one of the reasons why I gained my weight back. The comments do really make me feel down. Sometimes I eat whatever they eat, just to end the conversation. Now I feel much worse.
It may seem like I'm making excuses but I find it very hard to lose weight when there's too much negativity going on and it messes with my mind. Again, I don't blame my family or anyone for gaining my weight back. It's my responsibility and I'm not gonna quit. If you have any suggestions, please leave any tips and I'll really appreciate it.
Hello atEase
I've been where you are now but decided to dust myself off and restart. This is my second week and I'm doing fine so far (touch wood). I've decided to lose between 1/2 pounds each week taking my plan slow instead of settling unrealistic weight loss tagets. I wanted to lose weight quickly but this method did not work for me.
I find my new way of thinking achievable last week I not only loss my target weight but 4 pounds in total. Very pleased in deed. I weigh tomorrow and I am happy to stick to my 1/2 pounds weight loss each week. Anymore is a bonus.
So you will do it but take it slow and eventually you will see a difference.