Given the weather forecast for today & no real reason to go out, it will be a challenge to maintain the activity, so will crack open the Sod Sitting Get Moving book again & try to remember to get up out of the chair every half hour whilst getting stuck into the latest Rebus or playing Jewel Quest on Nintendo !!
Deluge in Lancs ! .: Given the weather... - Weight Loss Support
Deluge in Lancs ! .

You could go for a walk Berylsmum it's a good exercise.
Put some music on and have a dance round the room, that will get you moving! lol
Have a good day.
I try and do 250 steps every hour - even if it means marching on the spot
Good luck with the exercise

Morning 😊
I would never have thought to cut steps down into blocks of 250 at a time.
Thanks for the great suggestion!
Have a good day. 😊
There are some fabulous indoor walks/exercise routines in YouTube. Try Lesley Sansom lucigret is a real advocate of her walks. They are quite fun and quite energetic but you can just do what you want to.
Have fun getting moving!
If you try out a Lesley Sansom walk I suggest you start with the 15 minute 1 mile happy walk first and work your way up. You don't need loads of room, I manage it in my sitting room, although on nice days I take the laptop into the garden and do it. It is quite invigorating and makes you feel like you have done something worthwhile exercise wise.
Thank you Ceals , I have to admit I haven't done one for a while, I shall go out and do one later, no doubt with Simon falling about laughing at me, I doubt I will get him to join in.
Well, just think of all the endorphins created by all that happy laughter!
Berylsmum I also hoola hoop. I set my watch for an hour and do five minutes hooping, quite energetic and lots of time spent bending down to pick up the hoop! Soon as I have finished I set my watch again.
I like to do it in the garden, largely not overlooked but have builders at the moment so instead of making this an excuse I do it in my bedroom - just about enough space.
Hi Lucigret
I have heard a few people talking about Leslie Sansom walks. I'll check that out, (together with the book you mentioned).
Thanks for the suggestions. 😊
Well I had hoped to do a walk today, but my daughter in law and grandson have only just left! They have been here since 10am. I should be very pleased that she is happy to spend so much time with us and I am, just wasn't expecting her to stay after the dentist. Ended up doing tea for her and my son - so no time to walk today. I may look that book up as well - I think it was Beryl that mentioned it.
Hi lucigret ... the best laid plans can so easily go awry! As you say, it's lovely that your daughter-in-law and grandson wanted to spend so much time with you ... 😊
I looked at the 1 mile walk on YouTube, but I'm afraid that's as far as I got! It looks like the exact thing I was looking for ... no exercise equipment, a brief workout, with great health benefits.
Hope we both manage a 'walk' tomorrow!
Enjoy the rest of your night.
Hi Berylsmum, Thank you for heads up about book. I can't wait for mine to arrive. Enjoy.😊
You can get walking dvd's 1,2 and 3 miles. (10,20 and 30 minutes times) When get that miserable weather outside Lesley Sanome which was also mention in another message. I like her very much and you can get different strengths.