New and poor: Hi everyone, I'm new at... - Weight Loss Support

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New and poor

chi2309 profile image
48 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm new at this but I have to lose minimum 20kg by September. So 3 months! I'm 95kg which is borderline to morbidly obese for my height. Unfortunately I'm also really poor, max I can spend a week on food is £5. Any tips on really cheap food diet and exercise that I can do at home?

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chi2309 profile image
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48 Replies
YellowRose55 profile image

Hi chi2309

Welcome to the weight loss forum.

I have to work to a tight buget too so I know where your coming from. Use the supermarkets to get your fresh fruit and veg buying what is in season as it is cheaper. Walking or running is a exercise that is free, maybe have a look at the C25K program to get you moving.

Take a look at the Welcome Newbie post in the Pinned post section at the right hand side or at the bottom if your on a mobile. Have a look at the nhs 12 week plan, many members have had success following this plan. Use the BMI checker to work out your daily calorie allowance.

Have a look at the Daily Diary which you can find on the Home page in Events. It is where all the members are sharing their daily plans on what they are eating and any exercise they are doing. This thread will give you some ideas on how to start.

Below the Pinned posts are the Topics where members share a range of weight related subjects.

Take your measurements at the start together with a photo so you can see the changes on the days the scales don't move.

We have daily weigh ins so why not come along and join us today. You can find the weigh ins on the Home page in the Events section on the right. Just click on the post in Events and record your start weight and any loss/gain or maintain for the week.

To get the most of the forum be active, share tips, recipes and experiences. Read some of the posts they are very motivating.

Have a good first week.


chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to YellowRose55

Thank you for all the info. Unfortunately if I buy fresh fruit and veg the budget of the week gets used in max two days. The budget is for two people as well so it's harder to buy fresh things as they last less than a week and are extremely expensive.

I will check the c25k program now see what it's about. I walk over an hour a day but that doesn't seem to help. I will check on the events

EllaMidlands profile image
EllaMidlands in reply to chi2309

Hi, frozen fruit and veg can be good value too. I buy meat in quantity and chop it myself and freeze in portions for 2 people. Other people cook in bulk and then freeze. You can lose that amount of weight by then but it is a lot, even if you lose half of that you will be doing well. 🤞

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to EllaMidlands

Thank you for the support :) I will try cooking in bulk, might be a better idea so I don't end up wondering what to eat. Any ideas on really cheap cook in bulk meals?

in reply to chi2309

Lentils and chickpeas and other pulses are much cheaper forms of protein than meat. And the dried versions are cheaper than tinned. Good for cooking curries in bulk to freeze, and using frozen veg as someone suggested. Good luck.

ladymonkey profile image
ladymonkey in reply to chi2309


Im on a tight budget too,it is hard,i sometimes use frozen veg,mixed,put it with mince,liver,as they are cheaper meat,when you buy fresh veg,keep in fridge,and take it out any plastic bags,i use aldi ,they have fruit,veg,salad on offer,they are alot cheaper,good luck

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to EllaMidlands

Frozen veg also keeps most of its nutrients better than fresh that has been sitting on the shelves for days.

tidirhin2548 profile image
tidirhin25486kgRestart April 2024

Hi and welcome,

Maybe try potato diet, it's probably cheap to buy sacks of potatoes and maybe a sauce that you like to go with them, ketchup or something else. Or buy some dried spice. Andrew "Spud Fit" Taylor lost a lot of weight with potato only diet.

As for exercise two hours per day of walking will certainly make a difference, even if no hills are anywhere near, but only flat ground.

If you've got Internet at home, I highly recommend Leslie Sansone walks, especially 3 mile multi-muscle walks at least 3 times a week, they give a a good sweat on.


chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to tidirhin2548

I've never heard of that diet! Isn't it a bit bad to just eat potatoes tho? What he says about being addicted to food and depress is exactly how I am. Nothing bad on giving it a go, and potatoes are nice and cheap lol

tidirhin2548 profile image
tidirhin25486kgRestart April 2024 in reply to chi2309

I haven't tried potato only diet, as I like to eat different things in my plant-based diet and I can afford variety. And I can't really comment on the medical side of things.

If I want to go cheap I'll buy a bag of lentils, onions, frozen peas, cans of tomato, and fresh or frozen carrots, and put it all in my slow cooker. Then top my boiled potatoes or brown rice with the lentil stew. But then again 5 pounds might not be enough for all of that, although one big bag of lentils makes two big slow cooker batches. Maybe I would only buy and cook the lentils with the cans of tomatoes, and eat that with potatoes, if I was really broke. Or cook the frozen peas and eat those with potatoes.

Anyway, best of luck to you in your efforts ! Let us know how you're getting on !

IgaT profile image
IgaT in reply to chi2309

Potatoes have many minerals, but I discourage you from any form of monodiet. You need to vary your food ;)

But try incorporaring some of potato-based meals.

matets profile image
matets in reply to chi2309

chi2309 the potato diet might prove dangerous to you considering the weight you want to lose. Your objective should be to increase your protein and veggie intake. Try cooking in bulk and freeze to reduce the number of times you have to cook and decisions you have to make regarding meals. Again, if you eat healthy and nourishing meals, it will keep you satiated longer and definitely an advantage to your weight loss.

EllaMidlands profile image
EllaMidlands in reply to tidirhin2548

I agree the Leslie sansone walks are great for when it is dark or raining!

DiZia profile image
DiZia in reply to EllaMidlands

Yes, the walk tidirhin2548 suggested is exactly the one I've been doing. I hate complicated workouts, so they're perfect for me, lol.

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to DiZia

Awesome :) quite a few have recommended it. Will check it out immediately:) thank you for the reply:)

DiZia profile image

Are you young? I'm young and skint, lol. I rely on my mother for food. The best I can do is count calories. I'd suggest what tidirhin2548 said maybe, or something else. My diet of calorie counting isn't working out very well.

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to DiZia

I'm not old... Lol!!! But I live with my partner and with all the bills and mortgage I just can't afford fresh fruit and veg or meats... I wish I could felt on my mother's food again, she used to be so strict I was nearly anorexic. As soon as I moved out I starting getting fatter because I was eating things I wasn't allowed at home lol

DiZia profile image
DiZia in reply to chi2309

When I started getting money, I used to spend it on junk that my mother wouldn't buy me. I think that's what caused me to gain some weight, too. But I've always been huge, even as a child.

Luckily (well, not luckily), I'm broke right now, so that can't happen. It's hard for weight loss, though. I would love to buy my own set of scales (which I'm still contemplating), I'm tired of sneaking into my sister's bathroom everyday, lol. My sister is moving out in Septemper, so I'll have to get my own soon anyway!

But, yeah. Counting calories hasn't worked for me. I'm very large, at almost 22 stones, so I have to eat around 2,200 calories a day to lose weight, but I'm really struggling with that. It's very difficult to eat that many calories of normal, healthier foods. So, I've consistently been eating under, at around 1,800-2,100 calories, depending on the day. I think that has hindered my weight loss a little, and I don't see myself losing a significant amount of weight anytime soon. It sucks! Especially when you're trying so hard, and the scales consistently stay stuck at the same weight.

I'm hoping exercise will help budge the scales a bit, but I'm sceptical. It's been inarguably the most stressful time of my entire life. I unexpectedly gained weight last week, even though I didn't have any slip ups.

TLDR; Come prepared! Haha.

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to DiZia

Omg it sounds like me! I have to eat 1200 calories, but I'm so stressed out and all I want is to eat Lol! Definitely leaving home and having my own money has made me this size, I used to be a size 10 back when I was 18. Now I'm a size 18 ten years after Lol!

I did manage to lose a lot of weight a year ago by counting calories so I'm hoping it will help again. 🤞

DiZia profile image
DiZia in reply to chi2309

Ooh, a size 18. I can't wait until I get to that size! I need to get my weight and clothing size out of the 20s before I hit 20! Mind you, I have lost a little weight, maybe about 4-5lbs calorie counting, but last week was a disaster! Haha.

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to DiZia

Oh this week was a disaster for me! I've been invited round to friends houses and my partners house to eat and stay over.... all they have is loads of delicious sugary chocolate and sweets and meat and potatoes and amazing food!

I know that size 18 is not that much, but the way my body is I'm struggling walking already, my boobs are over a kilo each and I don't think my ankles can handle another twist Lol! But we can both do It, little by little :) let's do it!

jonuts2000 profile image
jonuts2000 in reply to DiZia

Unfortunately stress releases cortisol which forces your body to hold onto fat which might be why your not loosing weight especially if your not eating enough. I would suggest magnesium tablets to help control cortisol release but just an added cost. Spinach and beans are supposed to be good to reduce stress. Have you considered growing vegetables or do you not have a garden. Obviously not going to help over night but good way to get cheap veg. Tom's, garlic and potatoes all easy grows, good luck with your journey.

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to jonuts2000

I managed to buy some spinach yesterday and enjoyed a nice handful just on it's own, love spinach! :) stress is a big part of my life for a while now, trying my best to distress.

jonuts2000 profile image
jonuts2000 in reply to chi2309

Perhaps try some yoga or meditation if you can download some, certainly helps me when I'm heading over the edge. Being hungry really doesn't help either, I hope you can find something that works for you. Things will change, just have faith. Unfortunately, I know that doesn't help right now but you've got to have hope.

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to jonuts2000

Thank you for the kind words :) I am keeping hope, and I hope things will change soon :)

I can see if I can get some free yoga videos on YouTube. See if it works :)

jonuts2000 profile image
jonuts2000 in reply to chi2309

Good exercise too but concentrate on the breathing to best reduce your stress. If you can find anything from Tara Lee she's pretty good. Good luck.

IgaT profile image
IgaT in reply to chi2309

Did I understand correctly that you have £5/week/2 people?

For cheap breakfast: porridge oats on water or milk. If yoi can afford add some frozen fruits (best choice are berries).

Bulk cooking and freezing​ is always the cheapest way, but first you need to be able to buy in bulk :/

For tea / dinner: try soups, they are cheap and last long (remember to store them in fridge, not on the stove). Add a cheap chicken to it, so you'll have some protein as well. Apart from it lentils and other dried beans are cheap and good, lean source of protein.

Regarding exercises: running (NHS couch to 5k programme), youtube home workouts (I recommend FitnessBlender, as they have big variety on different levels). Other activities: cycling, walking, hiking, maybe swimming (if you have river or lake nearby). Try doing HIIT way of those exercises, so high intensity intervals with short breaks, kind of Tabata style.

Good luck!

I'm looking forward to her about your meals and progress.

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to IgaT

Thank you for your support!!! :) I have been just eating that this past month, it's the cheapest way for us at the moment.

MissisB profile image
MissisB4 stone

You will have masses of support and encouragement on here on your weight loss journey - just keep posting and chatting and there will always be someone here to support you.

I am a bit concerned about your food budget, as eating healthily is important to all of us. I wonder if it could be worth you having a look and chat on the MoneySavingExpert Forum to check that you are receiving everything you are entitled to, and that there isn't something you are accidentally overspending on. 35p per person per day would put you in line for a recommendation for support from a Food Bank, which it seems you need.

Also have a look at A Girl Called Jack - think her blog is called CookingOnABootstrap, who puts together healthier meals on a very tight budget - she has been there and done it.

Look forward to hearing again from you soon. 🙂

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to MissisB

Unfortunately because of my partners income I'm not entitled to help but his paying everything! I just lost my job and currently unable to work because of an accident. So I'm stuck at home with no money and my partner can't pay more than that for food. Just in a really bad situation. But I'm loving the support here and definitely feeling positive about it :) I will check her blog see if I can copy some :)

MissisB profile image
MissisB4 stone in reply to chi2309

Definitely visit MSE for advice - it makes this Forum look quiet! And look into food banks too. It may help with variety and get you some fruit and veg too. If you want to Message me about it at all, you are welcome.

Rignold profile image

Check out Millionaire Hoy on YouTube. No, I'm not trying to be ironic, that is his actual name. He has more than 600 free workout videos, all of which you can do a home, most if not all without any equipment whatsoever, and he has specific 8/12 week fat burn and weight loss programmes etc.

Hard work but free and very effective.

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to Rignold

Thanks for the advise. I will check it out but I can't do fast and extreme workout yet. One day hopefully:)

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Most supermarkets have a reduced section for fresh and chilled bits and some can be reduced to silly prices - ask at customer services or a shelf filler.. they will know where the reduced bits are and ask what time of day they are reduced, all shops vary.

I use a lot of dry pulses, kidney beans, black eyed beans, lentils, pearl barley and chick peas to add proteins at low cost, but do make sure you prepare and cook them right - time consuming, but really worthwhile and cost effective.

I wish you better health to enable you to get another job and hope you reach your weight loss goals.

Cheering you on 🎉🎉🎉

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to Minniewinny

Thank you for your support! I am considering bulk cooking and checking all the services out :) although I can't move much I will try my best to get healthy and fat free (a dream come true lol) I hate going to supermarkets when I'm in this financial situation, so many temptations and so little I can buy lol

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to chi2309

I call that "going in with blinkered vision". In other words I don't see all the things around, just the things I am aiming for on my list. 😂

benwl profile image
benwl in reply to Minniewinny

I second that advice about the reduced sections. Also Aldi have their variable 6 low cost veges each week.

This just means cooking opportunistically based on what you've been able to find rather than choosing a recipe first :)

If you are cooking pulses from raw, lentils are great because they don't need a huge amount of cooking time whereas other beans can - it is also worth getting a pressure cooker as this can dramatically reduce this, and this also cuts the energy bills, I've just had a smart meter installed and I was quite shocked at the cost of boiling up some beans for two hours!

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to benwl

I admit I cook mine in the pressure cooker after they've soaked over night, or boil them for 20 minutes and throw them in the slow cooker.

I saw a pressure cooker in a charity shop this week, it might be worth asking in your local ones.

I would also look at the Facebook group Reduce Your supermarket Spend. Hundreds of good ideas there, from lots of people in similar situations. Go to the supermarketbefore the close. I've bought stuff in tesco for 1p, literally. It's a bit hit and miss but definitely worth a try.

Hi I am very poor too but spend more than that on food. I don't see how anyone could buy enough food for 2 people with just £5 for both for a week. I would think it is an impossibility!

chi2309 profile image
chi2309 in reply to

It is, but I can get 3 tins of soup for £1, pasta for another 1 and 2x Tesco pasta sauce for another pound. That's 5 days of food. I've got already a nice quandary of couscous and rice and gravy. So today I had rice and gravy for food. It's hard but I'm hoping it will change when I find a job and I can eat healthier. It's weird tho that I hardly eat but I still have so much weight to lose.

in reply to chi2309

That's because if you eat too little your body goes into starvation mode and hangs on to the calories and lowers your metablism. This makes it even harder to lose weight and creates a vicious circle.

Eating the right foods and more frequently takes your body of out this so your metablism goes back up again. That's why I said that tiny amount of money you have to spend isn't enough.

If you are in the UK have a look on the Govt.UK site as there might be benefits you aren't aware of.

I used to work for the DWP so if I can help at all just pm me. To do this click on my name.

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to chi2309

another option for soup is to ask the butcher or a local carvery if you can have any bones, then boil them up to make your own soup. Add some herbs of your choice and once cooked and strained, add some veggies or noodles, can be a good batch and for pennies.

I get a ready cooked chicken once a fortnight or so and always make soup out of the bones.

MartaP profile image

Try drinking juice from fermented beetroots also called beets kvass. It's very healthy: loads vitamins and good bacteria for your gut. All you need are beets, water and some spices...and patience. You can found the recipe here

Good luck!!

You are doing really well to manage on £5 a week for 2 people. I hope it won't be for too long. Oats are a cheap breakfast, especially if done with water rather than milk and if you already have rice and couscous in the house, then I'd recommend getting some tinned tomatoes, lentils, maybe chickpeas in you can stretch to it and onions if you can afford it. That will give you some hearty food that should fill you up and the lentils will bulk it right out and it will last for days.

If you are able to save up a little, it's not a bad idea to either get a meat order from somewhere like Musclefood, or your local butcher might have a bulk deal on. That's a bit further down the line though.

And if you get some frozen veg and stock cubes, you can make your own soup a bit cheaper than the tins. Good luck.

chi2309 profile image

I got myself an exercise bike!!!! A friend was going to throw it away. I can finally do some exercise in my small place lol! Food is still in the same way but hopefully the exercise will help :) thank you Everyone for the amazing support

I always try to shop at Aldi/Lidl as they're much cheaper. Tesco has what I call the "vulture cabinet" full of discounted stuff - especially fish. Chicken drumsticks/thighs always cheap; so are eggs. Otherwise pulses like chickpeas/kidney beans etc a great source of protein. I make soup from veg and put in "soup mix" which is a mixture of pulses and barley and great value. Loads of recipes on bbc good food including low cal ones. £5 is really tight so good luck!

GreenhillGirl profile image

Dont know enough about your circumstances, and we are all different, but do you have a garden, or somewhere to grow veg like a window box or plant pot (an old margarine tub will do with some holes in the bottom)? Some local health authorities and councils run schemes where they supply you with seeds to get you started, and plenty of advice. It would kill two birds with one stone, really, giving you exercise and free food, plus the benefits of fresh air if it ever stops raining. I've been in the same boat as you for eight years now, having just achieved my target weight of 10st before I developed IPF - now trying to lose the 5st the Prednisolone have added. Was refused transplant because they said I was too fat.

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