How do I get to my saturday weigh in? I can't find it
Weigh in : How do I get to my saturday... - Weight Loss Support
Weigh in

Click on 'home' at the top of your screen, then look for Events to the right of the screen, or scroll right down to the bottom, if using a mobile. Click on the link and there you are
Abi have found it but when I click on my screen on iPad goes blank The team tell me the problem is at my end but I don't think so I see others are having problems too Hope you make it work If not just post it anyway they seem to find it at their admin Good luck
This is me signing in on the right page now Moppy smith lost 2lb now 18-12 I haven't done anything different So I am pleased with this at last
Are you using a mobile it is really hard to see the events on a mobile I can't actually see them bellatakescharge do you and MoppySmith have a tablet or PC then you can see events on the right hand side. Otherwise go right to the top of the screen above the strawberries click on the secon white icon from the left the 9 circles select my communities and then the weight loss forum this will take you to today's posts and then scroll down until you see the Saturday weigh in post. Once there hit reply to the poster and state your weight and then scroll down and reply to the person above. Let us know if it works 😀
Just found out if you follow my instructions above and then scroll down to the bottom of the page you can see the events on your Mobile
Actually I was on the wrong page - the one I am on now with the topics on the right hand side and I was looking for the weigh-in under topics. When I go to the home page then I see the events. Still figuring out how to navigate! Getting there!