Here I am, a 5'2" female, I have got down from "obese" size 20 to "over weight" size 12-14 but have never been part of a forum before.. I hope I can make it work for me (by checking in) to help me with the next stage from "over weight" to LONG TERM HEALTHY!!
Happy to receive any tips and help..
I love eating and generally have 5 fresh fruits prep'd and ready for 3-4 days at a time which does my breakfast and tea/snacks. I use the slow cooker for meat, pulses and veggies which can be eaten in succession or frozen for later.
I have bad knees - so I try to walk as much as possible to keep them going.. which my dog appreciates. But I lack other exercises.. but have bought a set of hand weights and a DVD or 2 to try to imitate.. My husband is very supportive and we are both impresses with the download.
It all continues now but with a 12 week challenge ...