As the title suggests(my husband has a junk food drawer),any suggestion is appreciated!
Help! How do you cope with partners wh... - Weight Loss Support
Help! How do you cope with partners who have unhealthy snacks, not being badly influenced?

My husband likes a sweet treat and I asked him to keep it at work and the car and only bring in the house what he will eat so that there are no temptations. It may be a bit drastic but I find the temptation a bit daunting.

I'm sure he wants a healthier, happier you, so he might agree to keep it out of the house? Here we only have sweets in the house on Fridays (or my kids would riot)
Getting our partners on board is really helpful. I find hubby nibbles in the evening if his evening meal isn't adequate or we eat too early 😕 It's a killer, and often my favourite food of toast and butter!!! Grrrr 😈 He did used to apologise or eat in another room!! Lol 😆 He doesn't eat breakfast so I tell myself it's his other meal which helps a little.
Would your hubby agree to limiting the treats? They don't sound healthy anyway 😕 It's a tough one but once you get out of the habit of snacking and nibbling it does get easier ☺
Good luck
That's right. It's not helping when he eats a lot unhealthy snacks, particularly when I'm peckish and there's nothing left in the fridge (reminder to myself always stock on healthier snacks)! Unfortunately I can't really tell him to limit the treats. He's already trying to quite smoking, which is a bigger battle, I need to be realistic about his habit of snacking on the healthy stuff. One battle at a time!

My mam was a skinny minny with a serious sweet tooth and could eat anything and not put a scrap of weight on ( I missed out on that gene). She had a cupboard in the kitchen with a lock on so that dad couldn't get it as he always struggled with his weight. Key was hidden and dad always said that in times when he was raking around trying to find the key he shamed himself so much that he stopped looking...xx
Great idea! Will get a box with lock on, and give husband the keys (he seems to have the skinny gene, although some people put on weight when they get a lot older, so we'll see).
Same. My boyfriend is as skinny as a rake!
He doesn't eat proper meals throughout the day and just reaches for the junk food when his sugar levels get to low. Which is super unhealthy!
I've made us both a meal plan and only bought in healthy snacks which I know he likes. This means for anything else he has to go out the house which I don't mind but it makes him feel guilty so doesn't happen very often.
I also bought him plain crackers, jam, low fat spreads, which he can fit within his calorie intake if he needs a late night snack before bed.
With my boyfirend its mostly about convenience and if its not convenient then most likely he won't bother!
Hope this helps xx
"He doesn't eat proper meals throughout the day and just reaches for the junk food when his sugar levels get to low. Which is super unhealthy!" same could be said about my husband. I make packed lunch for him sometimes, and our dinner meals are almost always healthy. But he doesn't have breakfast, I'm trying to get him on board, which is good for our son too! but I gotta be careful, cause he's trying to quit smoking, and I don't want to appear to be nagging him.
My OH is the same. Left to his own devices, he will snack all day on junk. I keep trying to tell him it's a bad influence on my son - and we're already starting to see him turn into a snacker, but he won't be told. Luckily for me, I can mostly ignore our junk cupboard. Cheese is another matter though.