kind of went on a break...: hi guys... - Weight Loss Support

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kind of went on a break...

7 Replies

hi guys

over the christmas period i stopped dieting and kind of gave up - i don't normally make new year resolutions but I'm defo going to be losing the weight I'm just not sure how to go about doing it or if there any diets or specific advice there that will help me

one of the main issues for me is motivation!

i ideally want to lose about 5 stone and tone up a bit, not muscly muscle but i want good arms and stomach - i know its all about cutting down what you eat and exercising more than you put out I'm just wondering if anyone has any specific advice

like if i do muscle exercises as well as cardio will that help me lose weight and build some muscle?

i know its a slow process and won't happen over night i just want to lose the weight as quickly as i can but of course, as healthily as i can as well

7 Replies
EllaMidlands profile image

I think motivation needs to come from within you. For me the final straw was not being able to go on the zip wire on holiday and finding my feet were hurting on a day sightseeing. I have a lot left to lose by after losing 3 stone quickly on a paleo diet I am feeing really good. Why do you want to lose weight? If you aren't motivated to do it, don't do it - you could always stay overweight if you choose.

in reply to EllaMidlands

I really want to lose this weight. Hate looking in the mirror etc can't even be in photos so I guess I need to grasp onto that thought and use that as motivation

EllaMidlands profile image
EllaMidlands in reply to

Exactly - there you go so you are motivated. I like looking at before and after photos of people.

I needed to see quick weight loss initially and paleo works for me. Carbs were my downfall so saying no completely (apart from fruit and veg) helps me more than having small portions of the food I liked. It won't work for everyone but it was new to me.

Hi Hidden ,

You got some really good advice a wee while ago so just wondering if you found it useful? I've found taking part in the challenges and holding myself accountable through the weigh-ins helps keep me focused. You might find it beneficial to focus on losing that first half stone say over the next six weeks.

in reply to

Hi yes really useful !

Wrote them all day and can't wait to properly get started. Also downloaded the nhs 12 week plan

MummyPhus profile image

Several year ago I was at my heaviest - I went to a school assembly where the kids explained how there was enough food for everyone in the world it is just unevenly distributed. I decided to do a sponsored fast to raise money for a local (relevant) charity and those 24 hours without food totally changed my eating habits!

I eventually got down to 10st and have stayed around that for the past 4 years (I have half a stone to lose right now). In 2014 I started exercising and I love it! Helps me tone up (although I've put on a little weight as a change in circumstances left me with less exercise time for the past 6 months). Weights and cardio are both good. Walking is an excellent starting point

Best of luck!

TMM4 profile image

I have lost 9kg and am looking to loose 5 more. I have done this by recording absolutely everything I eat and drink. As I use an app it calculates the calories for me and estimates the protein/carb/fat breakdown, and compares with my targets (given my age, height etc). This gives me a very clear picture of how I am doing and feedback if I am going off-track so I can adjust quickly.

I weigh myself every morning; this is again to give myself feedback so I can see if the weight is creeping back on. You will see that your weight does 'wobble' so don't get concerned by minor fluctuations. If daily weigh-ins feels excessive for you I think weekly is fine.

Taking part in the weekly weigh-ins here kept me accountable too so I would recommend that.

Finally, I will be honest and say I am not big on exercise at all BUT I do have a pedometer and make sure I do my 10k steps a day by walking to work and back.

All I can say is 'get started' because you have a lot of good things to gain by doing this... and you CAN do this 😊

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