Shame belly guy: Hey I just going gym... - Weight Loss Support

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Shame belly guy

Saad619 profile image
15 Replies

Hey I just going gym these days but I feel so bad and humiliated when I saw some guys with great shape and muscle I feel down and sad when girls in gym look those guys doing exercise and I m just hanging a belly and big ass around girls hate belly big ass guy and I feel jealous to look those hot guys sorry to say please help me

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Saad619 profile image
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15 Replies
Itsbab profile image

Did you enjoy the gym and was anyone there to advise you how to use the equipment etc?

Some people go to the gym just to pose and attract other people I even know a few people who do this but the gym is there for you to better yourself and get fitter. Who is to say those guys haven't had a weight problem themselves?

If you stick to your healthy foods and up the exercise that belly will soon go and your confidence will grow.

I know it's hard but forget the girls and attracting them put your energy into yourself and focus on getting fitter using the equipment, take body measurements as exercise builds muscle so you might not lose weight but could easily lose inches.

Good luck please carry on as it doesn't take long before you will notice bodily changes.

Saad619 profile image
Saad619 in reply to Itsbab

Thank but I feel sad and shame when I say a great body shape guy and I look myself in mirror I feel bad for myself that it useless girls always look to them not to me

dish70 profile image

All shapes and sizes go to the gym , maybe try a different time of day . These other people may have had to work hard to get their fit bodies so just put your own mind to it and give it a chance , in 1 month its amazing how different you can feel.

Saad619 profile image

I wish someone seriously help me here I did not get great hug and love right now I need help

Itsbab profile image

What is it you need people to do to help you? If you can say what it is maybe we can help but only you can lose the weight and only you can make it happen.

In order to get a fitter more muscular body you have to work at it just like those guys probably have and still am.

I am fed up being overweight there are things I want to do for myself and can't until I have the confidence to do so, loosing weight getting fitter will give me that confidence but no one can do it for me I have to do it myself, for myself.

As dish70 has said just give it 1 month and you will see a difference your hard work will pay off for you.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Visitor in reply to Itsbab

Thank you for saying that about doing it for yourself.

MrNiceGuy profile image

Those guys and girls you see have to work just as hard to maintain their enviable physiques as you’ll need to, in order to attain something similar (I’m talking about natural body builders; not the ones who risk health by administering dangerous performance enhance substances).

As impressive and enviable as those physiques undoubtedly appear, regardless of whether its owner is bulking, cutting or maintaining, he (or she) is consuming a certain amount of calories each day in order to achieve that aim.

Whilst muscle may be developed in the gym, the effort applied in the kitchen is what allows those physiques to be developed and maintained, largely since nutrition plays an incredibly important part in allowing for growth and repair of those dense and shapely fibres that you seemingly wish to possess.

Despite feeling self-conscious, everyone must begin somewhere and this is where it starts for you.

In order to remove the excess that’s leaving you feeling so unhappy, you’ll need to embark upon period of cutting, whereby you consume fewer calories than is needed, thus, allowing the body to utilise calories (stored in fat) to meet energy daily energy demand.

If you’d not guessed by now, as the body utilises the calories from stored fat, overall levels of weight begin to reduce and body composition begins to improve.

To ascertain how many calories you ought to consume on a daily basis when cutting, you’ll need to research BMR and TDEE calculators, ensuring that you consume sufficient calories to satisfy BMR at the very least, while introducing a daily calorie deficit (preferably 500Kcal) from your TDEE.

Taking into consideration that 1lb of fat roughly contains 3500Kcal, by introducing a daily deficit of 500Kcal, you could expect to lose the same amount each week through calorie reduction alone.

By including regular exercise, in addition to calorie reduction, your weekly level of loss could increase to 2-3lbs per week.

Although 2-3lbs per week may not sound like a lot, you’ll have expended over 10,000Kcal (through a mixture of calorie reduction and exercise) in order to achieve that aim. Over the course of a month, for example, that level of weekly loss will amount to something rather considerable, increasing self-confidence.

Bear in mind that as weight is lost, the body will require fewer calories in order to satisfy BMR, so the calculation should be re-performed with every 7lbs lost, in order to reduce the risk of the dreaded plateau.

Concerning nutrition, since you’re cutting, you’ll need to ensure that lean protein accounts for 35% of your daily intake, in order to reduce the loss of muscle mass, with protein consumed from sources such as lean meat, eggs, whey powder, fish and nuts.

As for carbohydrate, aim to limit consumption of simple/refined sources to a minimum in favour of complex varieties. This means replacing white potatoes, rice and pasta with wholemeal alternatives, for example.

The inclusion of beans and quinoa alongside more vegetables certainly won’t hurt, either.

Sadly, the mass consumption of cakes, sweets and pastries are off the menu, since you’re now chiefly concerned with reducing the secretion of insulin into the bloodstream (remember, you want to possess an enviable physique).

Fat (yes the body still needs it) should be consumed from healthy oils (MCTs such as coconut and olive oil), seeds, nuts and fish.

As for ascertaining how much ought to be consumed between the macronutrients, respectively work upon 35/40/25 split between protein, carbohydrate and fat (with each calculated as a percentage of intake after your daily calorie deduction from TDEE).

If you wish to convert the quantities into grams, for example, since protein and carbohydrate each contain 4Kcal and fat 9Kcal per gram, simply divide the calorific amounts by the figures provided.

Lastly, to exercise.

With regard to resistance training, even though you’re cutting, you should still be aiming to press and pull 80-85% of your 1 rep max, in addition to concentrating upon compound movements over the execution of isolation exercises.

As such, you ought to be choosing a weight that allows you to reach failure after 6-8 repetitions (taking 1-2 minutes rest between sets).

Once you’re able to successfully complete 3x8 reps of a particular exercise, you can increase the weight by 1-2kgs, ensuring continued overload of the muscle fibres.

Remember when I said those bodies you envy have to work just as hard as you’ll have to, progressive overload is what I was eluding towards, since it’s the only way to ensure continued growth and development of muscle fibres.

Despite the amount weight you may have seen those bodies execute, regardless of whether they’re cutting, bulking or maintaining, progressive overload is no easier for experienced lifters than it is for novices, hence the reason experienced lifters include split training as part of their schedules, whilst also taking rest between sets, allowing muscle groups to rest and recover. Progressive overload is incredibly difficult and tiring work.

Concerning exercises, you ought to be concentrating upon the barbell press, lat pulldowns , Romanian deadlifts, barbell squats, calf raises, military (shoulder) press and biceps curls before moving on to tricep pushdowns, lateral raises, dumb-bell chest flyes, etc. If you can, try to avoid resistance machines, favouring exercises that use barbells and dumb-bells, instead, largely since they allow for a greater range of movement and incorporate far greater engagement of the core muscles.

As for cardiovascular exercise, on the assumption that you’re just embarking upon including regular exercise, your focus should rest upon improving levels of endurance and stamina, laying down the foundations to advance.

As such, choose a level upon pieces of cardiovascular equipment that allows the activity to be sustained for ten minutes, before moving on to the next piece, with the aim of allowing cardiovascular exercise to be sustained for 30 minutes.

Upon achieving the above, seek to introduce intervals, whereby you exercise at a slightly higher level for 60-120s, allowing the body to become more efficient at continuing to deliver oxygen to working muscles (while increasing the uptake of glucose and fat), before reducing the intensity for a minute to allow for recovery.

Upon being able to sustain interval training for 30 minutes, you’ll have developed a sound cardio base in which to introduce HIIT cardio exercise into your regime, allowing exercising heart-rate to enter its anaerobic zone.

In doing so, you’ll dramatically increase the uptake of glucose and fat as energy (in the absence of oxygen) to fuel the hard intervals.

The resulting increase in the uptake of glucose and fat (as a result of HIIT) allows for far greater rates of calorie expenditure, increased insulin sensitivity and improved ATP density of muscle fibres (power), all of which contribute towards elevated levels of fitness and the ability to burn calories as fuel (improved metabolism), even when the body is resting.

Depending upon how much weight you have to lose, it may take 3-6 months to begin to witness any significant change, but putting the above foundations in place, you’ll stand to benefit in time.

marylou1954 profile image
marylou1954 in reply to MrNiceGuy

Wow Mr Nice Guy - what a nice guy you really are putting all that time and effort into such a comprehensive reply! Am in process of printing it out for my own reference - not sure that as a rather unfit overweight 62 granny I shall be doing much of the exercise regime, but still..... Do hope that Saad619 takes it on board and is grateful for your help!! I certainly am so - thank you from me!!

Saad619 profile image
Saad619 in reply to marylou1954

Thanks for all your effort but its really hard to go gym and loss all excessive weight but I m trying

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Visitor in reply to Saad619

You can do it! Believe in yourself and the goal will happen.

MrNiceGuy profile image
MrNiceGuy in reply to Saad619

The hardest part of your journey is summoning the courage to confront the issues that have left you feeling unhappy.

The fact you've made the decision to begin visiting the gym, something that'll undoubtedly assist your weight loss, demonstrates that you've gone some way towards negotiating the hardest obstacle.

The remaining (and largest) piece of the jigsaw rests upon actions in the kitchen, both in nutritional choices and portion sizes.

Despite feeling self-conscious about your appearance in the gym, you can rest assured that nobody will be looking at you, largely since they'll be focused upon their own workouts.

When attempting to lose weight, one of the best things you can do is to adopt a sense of perspective.

By accepting that the weight you've accumulated wasn't gained overnight and that it's not going to be lost overnight, either, you'll remove some of the pressure you may have placed upon yourself, actually beginning to find that the weight loss journey becomes an enjoyable experience, rather than an impossible challenge.

The sooner you come to terms with the above, the sooner you'll replace negative feelings with those of positivity, thus, retaining focus upon the task at hand.

An improving body composition, through a reduction in calorie consumption and exercise will also provide you with the enthusiasm to continue towards your goal weight.

Granted, it may take a number of months (or even years) for goal weight to be attained but, as weight begins to be lost, you'll hopefully become more conscious of what not to eat, in addition to applying greater focus when exercising.

Despite considering otherwise, you retain control at all times, since the decisions that you make determine your overall level of success.

MrNiceGuy profile image
MrNiceGuy in reply to marylou1954

You're welcome.

I'm glad to hear you've found what I've written to be of use. As such, feel free to print a copy and pin it up somewhere, so that you can refer to it.

Despite your years, it's never too late to begin exercising. Start with something gentle such as yoga or swimming, to increase muscular strength and flexibility, before attempting to lift weights.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Visitor in reply to MrNiceGuy

What about Zumba?

marylou1954 profile image

First step on any journey is to take that first step. You have done that so well done. Now continue and you will reach your end goal. No-one ever says it will be easy just that it will be worthwhile. Do it for YOU Saad619.

Saad, you can get a nice flat tummy of your own if you keep on with your diet and go to the gym regularly. So use your envy of the fit guys to spur you on to copy them!

Good luck!

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