Didn't seem to be able to attach photo last time but here it is again. Abstract masterpiece entitled " After the sardines" or "In absentia pisces"....
Didn't seem to be able to attach photo last time but here it is again. Abstract masterpiece entitled " After the sardines" or "In absentia pisces"....
John West - looks a bit fishy if you ask me 😄
Lovely garden you have 🌳 🌾 🌲 🌻
Crumbs Marylou, you've scored a hat trick!
Oh very sad to say that when something a bit weird and wonderful ( ) piques my imagination, I just run and run with it.... what be good if I could ACTUALLY run and run but a brisk walk seems to be the best I can do. .....!!
Its an obscure arty photo of sardines on a wheelie bin. Love it!
700 bonus points to you
Ooooooh thank you so much! You've made my year!!!!
Damien Hirst and all conceptual artists move over - Marylou is on a mission