I took my sketchers back today, had to take my Son for moral support tho. Man in the shop was very nice and give me my money back no problem. I was shaking when I came out but I was pleased I did it. Thank you moreless and everyone else who helped me. I then spent a whole half hour having a coffee with my Son with no interuptions. It was wonderful, I rarely have time to see him on his own for long. I've missed not going out the last few days and haven't been able to keep up with all my steps but today I've met my target already. Will look for another pair of trainers when my blisters healed. Meanwhile am wearing my ordinary day shoes. Thank you once again an hope to be more mobile soon. Xx
Sketchers update.: I took my sketchers... - Weight Loss Support
Sketchers update.
It's lovely isn't it going out every now and again with your grown up children they are always so busy, its special time, time to talk about issues you just want the two of you to hear, nice to treat them for themselves too.
Well done on plucking up the courage to take them back, you did it!😊 Now hopefully you can find something more suitable for yourself.
Enjoy the rest of your day Bev⭐️
Well done Bobbievee result or what!!!!
Blisters should soon heal just keep them dry and let the air get to them.
Thanks for giving us feedback so insperational 😁
that's great! I didn't think there would be a problem, well done for being brave! Hope you find a nice comfy pair of walking shoes soon,
Hidden if you feet are prone to blisters make sure you have some 'Compeed' in the house and slap it on at the first sign of a blister. Also, when you go to get you next pair of shoes take the socks you are going to wear them with, to the shop (socks can be just as important as the shoes for causing blisters) go in the afternoon as most likely your feet will have swollen a bit by then I know mine have - it's normal. It does not matter if you have them bring out 100 pairs of shoes to try do not buy anything unless they feel 100% OK after having walked around in them. These shoes are going to help you meet you step target and your weight loss goal they need to feel good on your feet!
Thanks jenyfer, I'll get some compeed tomorrow and thanks for the advice re buying shoes. I've had my ordinary shoes for over 20 years, only got one pair never been heeled or soled. so I've not had this problem before.
Mind you if we're talking handbags then I have some hidden that I still haven't shown my Husband! Xx

Great news Bobbivee! All that angst for nothing
It sounds as if you've had a fantastic day, all round. It's amazing how taking control of one aspect of your life, can be so empowering and have a knock on effect on the rest of your life
There'll be no stopping you now!