Don't know how may others feel about this heatwave but when I read about it coming a few days ago I dreaded it as I've really struggled with very hot days. It is so bad I've ducked out of planned business meetings and social events because I know I will be perspiring copiously and will be seriously uncomfortable and very very self conscious. I've always put it down to my irregular heart beat as it seemed to get bad soon after I was diagnosed and it is known to affect some people this way. Surely me being obese had nothing to do with it!
So on Saturday we went for a number of walks in the first real heat of the summer and I was ready with a hand towel and light weight clothes that don't show the sweat too much. I found I wasn't struggling as much as I expected. I was perspiring but not profusely. On Sunday I did 4.5 hours of walking and in the evening went to the air conditioning free theatre and it was steaming! But I was more comfortable than I thought I would be, still not great but if it had been 12 months ago I know I wouldn't have made it and would have ducked out at the half time interval. Yesterday I went out off the cool office and walked to the shops, hot doesn't describe it (36C on the car readout) but again I seemed ok.
I still have the irregular rhythm and still take the same medication. All that has changed is I've lost 15kg since last summer most of it in the last 9 weeks since joining here so I'm putting it down to the weight loss and general improvement in fitness. For me this is a huge thing and if it sticks will become the prime motivation for me when times get tough even more than dropping 3 or 4 dress sizes