Anyone really obese 😐: Hi I'm currently... - Weight Loss Support

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Anyone really obese 😐

Ashali profile image
β€’34 Replies

Hi I'm currently very obese and trying to lose Weight. Is anybody in the same situation??

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Ashali profile image
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34 Replies
Anon-E-Mouse profile image

Hi Ashali

Welcome to the forum. There's a lot of very helpful info under pinned posts on the right of your screen and if you haven't already, I suggest reading the 'Welcome newbies' one at least.

In reply to your question, the people on here are at different weights and different stages of their healthy eating plans. I was obese when I joined around Christmas time and have, just this week, hit the top of my healthy range. Still have a long way to go, but with the incredible help, support and encouragement of everyone on this site, I will do it. It's totally non-judgemental. Please feel free to join in the Monday weigh in run by Zest and the Fab 5ers. You can read yesterday's one (one in the am and one in the pm) to see what they're like. Also please feel free to join in the challenges, I find these help motivate me to exercise more and (mostly) stick to my healthy eating plan.

Sorry if I've gone on a bit, but I'm so enthusiastic about this forum and wanted you to feel welcome. Hope to see you out and about on here.

Mouse 🐭

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024β€’ in reply toAnon-E-Mouse

Thank you

Foodie87 profile image

Hi Ashali

I'm not "really obese" anymore, but I started off with a BMI of 43.5 in October 2014 - that's morbidly obese.

I'm now just about in the healthy BMI range and am aiming for the middle of the healthy range.

I know it can be scary and intimidating, seeing how much you need to lose.

I have always set myself little goals, I.e, the first one was to get under 100kg, then aim for a BMI under 40, then under 35 and so on. Baby steps... 😊

I'm sure you can do it! Best of luck! πŸ˜‰

miamia profile image
miamiaβ€’ in reply toFoodie87

Good morning,

Yes the bmi figure is also what I am focusing on. Mine is 27, still clinically obese to be honest. I am still struggling to lose weight, despite my restricted 'I don't eat this and that diet'...I do find this forum very helpful and motivating.....

Annde70 profile image
Annde70β€’ in reply tomiamia

27 is overweight, 30 + is obese.

babschina profile image

I was over 100kg with a BMI of 43.5. I have stuck to my diet, got a personal trainer at the gym as I was so unfit. Now 88kg. I Still have a long way to go but feel much healthier and positive. So no matter where you start you can begin to feel better as soon as the weight starts to come off. Good luck

Ashali profile image
Ashaliβ€’ in reply tobabschina

Wow that's great you should be proud of yourself.

Kenny25 profile image

Hi Ashali, Yeah there will be a lot of people here who are in the same in the same boat. Collectively we use this forum to encourage, to motivate and share our successes. We also come here when we are struggling and times are tough. Quite often a few encouraging words can get you back on track. You have come to the right place and you are among friends. I'm off the scale obese but I'm working hard to change that. I'm at a place at the moment where charts and BMI don't really bother me. I know that if I eat healthily and gradually increase my exercise then the weight will come off. As the weight comes off I feel my clothes get looser, I receive compliments from work colleagues and my mental health improves. I'm a nicer person. Good luck to you on your journey. Take small steps and set yourself mini targets rather than looking at the end result. Be honest with yourself. I wish you every success. Please keep us all updated on your progress.

Matilda48 profile image

Hi I'm in the obese range and on day two, I will happily be your buddy and we can motivate each other 😊

Just take little steps - half a stone at a time, this is more manageable than going for the whole amount.

Good luck you can achieve this xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Ashali,

Welcome to the Weight Loss NHS forum. I am sure you have probably found your way around now, thanks to the lovely welcomes from people who have replied to you already.

I was obese at the start of my weight loss journey, and I've followed the principles of the NHS 12 week plan, and I'm now in the healthy BMI, and getting close to my ultimate goal. It's definitely possible to lose weight on the plan, and it is sustainable too - I've maintained my healthy BMI for quite some time, and I hope to continue the way of eating for life, as it's more of a lifestyle change than an actual 'diet'.

I hope you have a great week, and do join in with anything you like the look of on the forum.

Lowcal :-)

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024

I am trying. I have cut out sugary foods and booze only on sixth day though but determined this time I accidentally saw a reflection of me without my top on the other day and it really upset me.

katy6860 profile image
katy6860β€’ in reply toPedallingMinstrel

you know jeffdavies123, I have a picture of myself at a friends wedding a few years ago and it makes me cry everytime I see it because I never realize how big I am until I see a pic. so I took a before pic and am anxious to see an after pic in a few months!

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024β€’ in reply tokaty6860

Thank you for kind words x

Ashali profile image
Ashaliβ€’ in reply toPedallingMinstrel

I know how u feel xx

katy6860 profile image

I am and I am really miserable. but, I have started and that is what matters. I have lost a couple of pounds already and that is what will motivate you into making this a lifetime change and not another fad diet. Ashali, it can be done. it sux and it is hard and it is worth it! I have been counting calories for about 2 weeks. the weight loss is slow and steady, but it is there. together, you and I can do this! my name is Katy, and this forum is a lifesaver. the people here are motivating and helpful and kind. they are not judgemental and they have all been or are now where we are. just read the pinned posts, read the starter help, download the weight loss nhs, and start to move and you will feel better about yourself before you know it. in my situation, it is all about attitude. my attitude was bad when I first started. I know I have only been at this about 2 weeks, but I started to lose weight because I was afraid I was going to lose my boyfriend and now I am doing it because it makes me feel so very good. it will make you feel good too, I promise. hang in there! we are all here for you.

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024β€’ in reply tokaty6860

I think we live in a society where you are set up to fail. All the adverts are for unhealthy things. It's cheaper to buy unhealthy food in the supermarkets. Yet we are then bombarded by unrealistic images of slim beautiful people. I think I need to focus on what I want for me. I am struggling but know it is inevitable if you're not putting lots of calories into your body you can't keep supporting that weight. It is long term game though which sometimes is hard to sustain. I am starting to notice I have more energy now. I have stopped drinking booze completely for 16 days now. I do it on a day by day basis and want to carry on till December 25. I have lost 10 pounds and feel much better about myself but as I say early days and at 62 it's going to be harder than when I was younger. Good luck just take a day at a time and fill your day with positives to take your mind off food. I wish you well.

katy6860 profile image
katy6860β€’ in reply toPedallingMinstrel

you are so right JeffDavies123, one day at a time. i started beating myself up for "failing" one day but i have since stopped doing that. if i messed up or ate what i thought was too much one day, i just try to do better the next. i have only been doing this for about 3 weeks, but i too have lost 13.4 pounds and i feel great. i have so much more confidence. i have more energy and my clothes are beginning to fit better. i still drink on occasion but only a few beers. i am 49, 50 this year and thought it was too late to change, but i am not! i agree that the world seems to think that slim and beautiful is one and the same but i for one disagree. i think beauty is on the inside, not the outside. i have seen so called "ugly" people that were the most beautiful people in the world. and the most gorgous on the outside that were so ugly on the inside. i truly dislike the world's interpretation of beauty.

Osiris275 profile image

Hello! I was obese (recently gone into the overweight category!) so I know how you feel.

I was so unhappy and miserable I decided it was time I did something about it. It's been 15 months one and I've gone from 18st to 12st 1lb. It's not been easy at all. But with help from MyFitnessPal app it's been reasonably under control.

If you haven't done so already, I really recommend joining that site. I couldnt have lost without it!

Good luck! If you need any advice remember, nothing tastes as good as being skinny. I thought that was nuts at first but the closer I get, the more I believe it!

Nicbec10 profile image

Yes, you are not alone. I started at 20st 4lbs and am currently 18st 4lbs, I have been slim, fat and obese and struggle with my weight. Please know there are thousands of others here in the same position and well done for taking the first step in change x πŸ‘

LorraineJune profile image

Hi Ashali - I am obese too. Just starting this 12 week plan today. Hope all goes well for you. Lorraine

tintintintin profile image

Hi Ashali

I am a newbie on here but not a newbie to weight issues. Can't tell you what to do husband and me are doing the Dukan diet I have not felt deprived at all and it works well to kick start the weight loss giving you some incentive to carry on. I personally don't worry too much about BMI as its a guide only! I use it in my work as a nurse.

Good luck I find having a goal really helps...a social event or holiday so you can work towards an end goal usually for me wearing the clothes I was too fat to wear.

Chip up keep focused and good luck

greanise profile image

Hi there..yes hunny, you are not alone! I currently can't tell you my exact weight because my scales just keep saying 'OL' ( as they go up to 300lbs I know I surpass that!! :( Started calorie counting 2 weeks ago and still 'OL' but determined to not give up this time. Planning to try for 100lb loss in a year, then decide where I want to go to from there. I am 5ft 4'' and 55 years old by the way. Feel like this is my last chance. Suffer from debilitating back pain and that is my main motivation. All the very best of luck with getting healthy. Just take it one pound at a time and you'll (we'll!) get there....take care. (PS: some great weight loss videos on YouTube for inspiration, just be sure to watch the 'natural eating' ones).

vanessa93 profile image
vanessa93β€’ in reply togreanise

You are right there are loads of us on this site who have been or are obese (myself included). Although many say not to focus purely on weight, that is ultimately why we are all here; we want to lose weight. So @Greanise, I would say try and find a scale that you can weigh on if only to see where you are starting from and to see how much you are loosing. I find it a big boost and motivator when I can count down the numbers. Your GP surgery may have a set of scales, your local hospital will definitely have a set, possibly in the outpatients department. I am a nurse and also part of the manual handling team so I often work with patients up to 400kg who we have to weigh to ensure they come under the safe working load of the equipment we use.

greanise profile image
greaniseβ€’ in reply tovanessa93

Thank you :D Actually started looking for some new scales to purchase today as it is quite frustrating not knowing my starting point. I'm not obsessed with being a particular number but as you say, seeing them go down is encouraging.

yatesco profile image

Hey, I would need to lose a bunch of weight before I am merely Obese :-). The wonderful thing about these forums (I am mainly a lurker here but quite active on the c25k forum) is how supportive everybody is.

Don't worry - you aren't alone, at all. Welcome to a very supportive, like minded and empathetic group.

Dl37 profile image

Me too but have no friends nearby to do anything about it and I'm useless on my own, would you like to meet?

Ashali profile image

Thanks so much everyone, I'm. Really fed up with my weight I'm. Only 26 and feel like I'm. Missing out on so much. I haven't even bough myself a coat for the past 4 years cos I feel disgusting in it. But I'm. So.glad to see so many of you achieving your goals slowly and healthily. X wish u guys all the success!

mildamyrie profile image

Hi Ashali, don't worry about where you are now just look foward and take a step at time. follow the plan and stick with it. I'm obese as well just start the plan yesterday.

Scriptgirl96 profile image

Me πŸ–πŸ» I'm 20 and been told I'm obese this has been really helpful so far and iv only been joined for just over a week!

MotherPip profile image

Oh yes, I'm 5' 1" and 17 stone .. pretty damn horribly obese 😞 not really in the zone to lose either at the minute... but everyone on here is totally supportive encourages non-judgemental and in many cases inspirationalπŸ˜ƒ

Hi, while I'm not obese, I regularly struggle with a surplus 1-2 stones, and it really gets me down, so I can sympathise with your situation.

One thing I've learned, which I think can really apply to you, is that when you are a lot heavier than you really ought to be, you can start by making quite small and simple changes, and you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much difference they will make.

For example:

- If you are a snacker, just stop all snacks, eat 3 decent meals a day and nothing else;

- add 5 portions of cooked veg to your meals every day. Fills you up for hardly any calories;

- grill, don't fry, avoid batter, cook from scratch rather than order in takeaways;

- cut out sugary foods; especially fizzy drinks, ice cream, chocolate. If you're desperate allow yourself one lovely item on one day a week, and really savour it;

- make your meal cover one plate, no second helpings;

You should be able to find that you can eat a good quantity of food, but by adjusting the content you can start to lose weight.

Of course, once you're near your target weight you'll need to cut down more, but you should be able to get to within 1.5 stone of your ideal weight before you have to start the "1oz peas, 2oz potatoes" routine of counting every calorie.

Good luck! It's worth making the effort, as you will feel fantastic when you;ve done it!

JoJo90 profile image

Hi Ashali I'm in that position. Have lost 8 stone over the last 18 months but need to lose another 8. X

greanise profile image
greaniseβ€’ in reply toJoJo90

Well done!! (just felt I had to say best of luck for reaching your goal!!

cathiebigmomma profile image

I'm very obese and just joined will power normally flies out of the window before I even think about healthy eating but really need to do something to help with my breathing/walking/back issues Any low times talk to me or toehrs on here and we will help you any way possible xx

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