At 15st and just turned 50 I started almost 2 months ago to exercise again and targeted a local 10K in July - HAHA yeah I know !
Anyway, it was going okay, running/walking around 4K twice a week, diet wasn't an target as I thought starting this exercise routine this would have it's own impact. Last week I wasn't too well and eventually was told by Doc I had V High BP and had to stop. I am now on one tablet per day, with a review next week.
I also started to use MyfitnessPal just to see what my usual food intake was and it rec 1,700cal per day. I realise that I am alway around 5-600 less every day.
I have started walking distances again, although not fully power walking but I am waiting for Doc to saay I can run as my BP is still classed as VH.
Though I am now confused, did i start doing too much too quick and should I make sure I achieve more Calorie intake each day, if so does anyone have any tips? I don't really eat much 'cr#p' as we call it like sweets or crisps etc.
I work in IT so desk bound most of the day Mon-Fri.