Hi folks, I guess that many people can relate to this but there is a definite link between my mood and the food that I eat, particularly when I'm not watching what I'm eating. When I change my eating habits and start a healthy eating plan it's a struggle with myself for a week or two to beat those feelings of wanting to eat rubbish. It's like taming a sugar craving lion. Getting through those first couple of weeks though and those feelings subside and I get really into eating healthily and I know that I'm fully in control. Positive mind and a strong willpower. Eating rubbish and piling on the pounds has got me to the lowest point in my life . The amount of times where I've been disgusted with myself and decided to 'start on Monday' then Monday never comes. I remember how good I felt when I have successfully lost huge amounts of weight in the past. I was confident, I was happy with myself and I enjoyed interacting with people. Depression has set me back for the last few years and made me withdraw from everything that I previously enjoyed, but I'm ready to start battling back. I'm not getting any younger and I certainly don't want to embarrass my daughter at her wedding next year. It's been a good first week so far. Long may it continue.
Food and Mood: Hi folks, I guess that... - Weight Loss Support
Food and Mood

I can so relate to this, joining in this site is the key to staying strong for me.
I comfort eat and then feel sick, but when I lose a bit of weight I feel a million times better, it's hard but if you've got a goal like your daughter's wedding it does help focus the mind. I just want my health improved and I do slip up as I have done this week but I know I don't need to beat myself up but just restart and keep on trying.

I spent a lifetime yoyo dieting and thought I knew everything there was to know on the subject. It wasn't until I joined his site, that I realised how little I knew about nutrition and myself!
We have to think about what we're eating, when we're eating and why we're eating and realise, that for the most part, it has nothing to do with hunger and re-fuelling and much more to do with addiction and emotion.
I have completely changed my mindset and know that the way I'm eating now, is the way I shall be eating forever. I shall never be going back to the way I used to be, because life is sooooooo much better now
Well done for getting through your first week, Kenny and good luck with remaining in control for the rest of you life
I think a few short term goals or targets on the way to your first long term goal of your daughters wedding are worth setting. I have a family event in October this year and want to lose a pile of weight, so much that the figure scares/worries/daunts me. So I have set 4 points in time before October with mini-goals and weight loss targets based on changes to my eating, drinking, exercise, lifestyle, work for each one and I find that less scary! Good luck and great work on getting week 1 off to a good start!
Hi Kenny,
How are you getting on?