Reverend Charles Augustus Goodrich (1790 – June 4, 1862) was an American author and Congregational minister, who popularized the motto "a place for everything and everything in its place". I do not know about being related, but I do love the idea of everything following an order of some fashion; even my socks are kept on a shelf in order of what to wear next.
Occasionally however I am reminded that the universe does not follow my regimented pattern and apparently some of you enjoy the chaos. Hence when I had to switch to Saturday evening weigh-ins, since I now travel on Sunday evenings to fit in with my new job, my life appeared to come to an end. Deep breaths and some relaxation exercises and I have managed to put my life back in order.
The down side is you do weigh differently at different points in the week and so I am unhappy that I weighed in heavier this week. However, since this is now the “new” norm I am going off the “new reality.
What a long ramble to say I have put a couple of pounds on this week and I am unhappy about it. I do not even think it sounded convincing.
A new week and a new start. Let’s hope your weeks turn out better than mine did last week.