im safoora, im 31years old single girl. im a clinical psychologist & i really believe that there is a main cause of obesity in my mind and unconscious. im sooooo tried to be a fat girl.
introduce: im safoora, im 31years old... - Weight Loss Support

Hi Safoora, I think most of us have come to realise that its in our minds. I am at least 3st overweight (4 if I wanted to be super healthy, but no curves) so I know I won't waste away by eating fewer calories, and burning a few cals doing some exercise (just walking or swimming, I've never managed to be a runner), BUT I can always convince myself that I need to eat, whether I'm bored, tired, happy, sad, celebrating or commiserating lol.
This site can help to reinforce the right mindset with support, and occasionally some tough love, but ultimately people who understand how each other feels working towards the same goals.
How do you plan to achieve your goals?

It was in the mind for me, I know. Also, we are bombarded by advertising, by smells and sights all around us. Everywhere we go, food is being shoved in our faces, it is crazy!
I found it is necessary for me to avoid shopping centres (really, do we need that many sandwich/cake shops??), TV adverts, certain aisles at the supermarket (shop around the edges) and people who want to feed you.
Switching your mindset from eating for comfort, out of boredom or to combat stress to eating for health and fitness takes a little practice, but is worth it.
Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on!

Hi Safoora,
Welcome to the forum. I'd like to give you the link to our Welcome Newbie post, which moreless has put together:
Hope you'll enjoy being part of this community, and good luck with your goals.
i agree with you that the life style has an important role to gain weight.
but do you think that, why some people can't manage their eating, can't recognize their emotions or why we cant live healthy? & why changes the foods effect on special people, not all of the humans?
i think it's in our minds. so i believe that obesity has a strong relation with our inner world.
it is correct that i speak about my self so it's necessary to express one of my experiences; generally i love sweet tastes, all of chocolates, cakes and all the sugary foods. i tried to find the reason of my sweet craving. after time, i remember that, when i was a child, my dad could not have time to spend for me because of his job, in the other words he didn't have any effective communication with me. he came home within 2 days,and all of the time when he came back, he bring me some chocolates, cookies, gums and something like that, so i think it's a kind of conditional a days when i need sweet taste, i realize that i need my father's love NOT MUST FOOD.
i'm sorry for grammar mistakes in my writing
good luck