Around the world in 80 days - please p... - Weight Loss Support

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Around the world in 80 days - please post kms/steps/miles for Saturday 30 January (Part 1)

73 Replies

Dear Travellers,

We are on Day 36 and our way to Queensland in Australia. Queenie-Duke has invited us all to her place for lunch. Her hubby has fired up the barbie and her eldest son is cooking all of your favourite BBQ food. Watch out for Rosie, QD's gorgeous Rottweiller. Beer (XXXX) is ice cold in the buckets. And we have music from Elvis - yep its a very special day in the land of Oz. We are refraining from cocktails because mid afternoon, we are all getting in a hot air balloon and making our way to Alice Springs to climb Ayers Rock. We can't be tipsy doing that :D :D

I must say this has been one helluva adventure and we are not even halfway through the challenge. The places we have been and the experiences we have enjoyed. And we have done it all together and supported each other to clock up the Ks. I and Moreless have never said if you don't deliver or don't turn up, you are letting us down. Yet we often hear that from you. Us as a collective is such a powerful force and really we don't know that much about each other. But we do know this much, that we want to be a healthier and fitter version of ourselves - physically, mentally and emotionally. And we will get there :) :)

Happy Travels everyone :) :)

73 Replies
DonH2 profile image

5.82 for Friday.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to DonH2

Great number Don :)

Sopmarfree profile image

Hi fizzy Liz. Another 4000 steps from me. Can we pop over to New Zealand as we are so close?? I've some lovely friends over there and my other half is there but flying home on Tuesday after 5months away.😁😁😁

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sopmarfree

I have friends in NZ too Sopmarfree, maybe we can get the balloon to take us there :) You're going to be pretty excited come tuesday, I hope you have a fab homecoming with your other half :)

Great steps :)

steveph profile image

Good snowy morning

Apologies for going off the radar - I am self-employed and it has been a busy week.

My distances to be added for the week to Friday, 29th Jan are 21 km. 10 km exercise bike and 11 km walking. I plan to go walking when the sun comes up today to see the Forth Valley blanketed by snow, if the blizzard slows down.

Best wishes


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to steveph

We were the same here Steve and looks like we may be in for more :)

As long as you're back with us now, that's the main thing :) Great numbers! :)

Enjoy that snow :)

in reply to moreless

It is snowing in Scotland because my husband is there - for some reason it always snows when he goes home !!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

He didn't come close enough to us, ours turned to rain :(

in reply to moreless

:-) I'll send him further north next time - perhaps back to uni ⛄

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Perfect! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to steveph

Hi Steve, you've gone off the radar again - no K's since friday :)

steveph profile image
steveph in reply to moreless

Hi moreless

Big thank you for prodding me - a lot going on at moment.

Missing k's 4.5 km on Sunday, Tuesday & Wednesday = 13.5 km up to Wednesday 3rd Feb.

Best wishes to all


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to steveph

Thanks Steve :)

keep-on profile image

Awesome I've always fancied seeing Ayers Rock! 9.18km for Friday 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to keep-on

Me too keep-on! :) Fab number! :)

suzybenj profile image

...ok out and at em - when the rain stops..

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzybenj

Just think how it'll help to shift that 1.5lbs Suzy ;)

veganista profile image

Friday = 1.3 km's

Still feeling poopy so spent most of the day flat out on sofa.

So excited that we are going to Queensland, my darling daughter is there ( not seen her for 2 years)

queenie-duke profile image
queenie-duke in reply to veganista

Must be time for a real visit. :)

veganista profile image
veganista in reply to queenie-duke

Oh I do wish , hopefully one day my wishes will come true 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to veganista

Oh dear veganista, you need to take care of yourself, so that you're well to visit your daughter. You must be so excited! :)

Determined71 profile image

Still unwell, will carry on counting km when feeling better.

Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to Determined71

It's horrible isn't it! Tried to do a bit more this morning as virus symtoms improved but I have no energy and jelly legs after short dog walk!

Determined71 profile image
Determined71 in reply to Fran182716

Have not felt this unwell for a long time. Cough, shivers and shakes, terrible headache and then to top it all was up half the night being can only improve. Have managed a quick shower but had to lay down again afterwards as no strength!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Determined71

Just you take care of yourself Determined :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Determined71

Hi Determined, I hope you're starting to feel a bit better by now :)

Determined71 profile image
Determined71 in reply to moreless

Unfortunately I have been in hospital with pneumonia and so although home I am still unwell and will need to recuperate. I think the challenge may be over before I am fit enough to resume.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Determined71

Oh my gosh Determined! Poor you! I hope you'll be feeling much better, very soon.

in reply to Determined71

Ooh no - wishing you a speedy recovery 😊😊

queenie-duke profile image

Welcome welcome everybody, Thank you all for coming. Come on in, help yourself to a drink, we have beer, wine, kombucha tea, cider, & ice cold water. Nibblies are being passed around, the snags & onions are cooking up nicely, bacon & steak going on soon. All will be cooked to perfection by our well practised chefs Ian & Lionel.

Make yourselves comfortable, enjoy the relaxing garden and take some time out.

I'll give yous all a shout when the grubs up.

Oh yes almost forgot, 3kms for today Saturday. :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to queenie-duke

I want to play with Rosie!

in reply to queenie-duke

Ooooh - sounds lovely. Thanks for having us round 😁

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to queenie-duke

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this reply works qd, because the last time I tried, it refused to submit, or like :(

I'd just like to say thanks for inviting us all and the Barbie was deeeeelishus! :)

Slight problem though, I think Rosie ate a few tennis balls, so you might want to look out for multi-coloured remains tomorrow! :D

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to queenie-duke

Sounds great!

in reply to queenie-duke

Thanks for the lovely day food and drink were fab and so low calorie !😃 Woof woof to Rosie🐾🐾


LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

I don't know if I am the only one, but the site has been sticking quite badly for me these past 24hours, so if I fail to click your "like" button, please don't think I don't think you are fantastic!

Anyway, today is a rest day, so I just did 45mins on the bike at the gym, while Irish jigs were playing in the spinning class nearby (I am not fit enough to do the spinning class yet). I managed 16.25kms.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

You're not the only one LtL, it's happening to me too, plus difficulty posting and changing pages.

45 mins and 16.25K's sounds fit enough to me! :o

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to moreless

Thanks Moreless, I would like to think so, but I know I couldn't hack the spinning class just yet, but I will be able to soon (another one of my goals).

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

Good for you! :)

Veronicaby profile image

Hi there everyone, it's been a long week Thu miles 14.58 Fri_10.24 miles

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Veronicaby

Great numbers Veronicaby, have you done any today? :)

suzybenj profile image

okies....11.5 k....very up and down muddy hill walk across devon cliffs -

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzybenj

Woohoo Suzy, that's bound to have shifted that last 1.5lbs :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Lizzy, Moreless & Everyone,

Here are my results for today (Saturday 30th January 2016):

Rowing machine: 6km

Walking: 2.25km

Cleaning (2 hours): 5km

Total = 13.25kms.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

That was some vigorous cleaning Lowcal and a very impressive number on the rowing machine! Looks like I need to keep practicing :D

Love the motivational speech in the post FizzyLiz - I am constantly amazed how well everyone is doing as I never thought it was possible !!

Results for today are 14k run and 3k dog walk (sorry dog :-( !!).

Rewarding myself with pizza and cheesecake for tea as apparently a 14k run used up a whole days calorie allowance - yippee 😎

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

We're surpassing ourselves every day Lucca and it's even more remarkable considering the number of travellers that haven't lasted the course and how relatively small a group we are now. The team spirit is fantastic :)

Well that's it then - 1/2 marathon, easy peasy! You'd be as well going for the whole thing! :D

Seriously though Lucca WTG you! That's absolutely brilliant! :) Definitely deserve a pizza after that! :D

in reply to moreless

Still another 7k to go on top of that 😨

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Wow a 14k run - that is amazing - no wonder you are hungry!

in reply to LessToLose

I took some energy bites to munch on whilst trotting along as well 😊

If anyone would have told me back in August when I started the 12 week plan overweight and unfit I'd be running 14k 6 months later I would never have beleived them 😕 😁

Marianne0915 profile image

Hello, my kms for today 30th are 1.59. So looking forward to the music by Elvis. Hot Air Balloon trip is a great idea.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Marianne0915

Well done Marianne, you jailhouse rock! :D

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to moreless

Thank you CC Rider.....

Hi everyone. One of my two cats is called Elvis because he wears a white catsuit. I hope the Rottweiler will be nice to him.

I have swum 72 lengths and done 3.8 km on treadmill.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I'm sure Rosie would love Elvis in his white catsuit Aqua :D

You've been a busy bee today :)

Saga66 profile image

So, today I got the fitbit on, bought some very bright pink windproof running gear (don't get excited I am still only walking!) and set out into the wild and windy Lakes. I am pleased to report so far I have 11,743 steps.

This means I can enjoy going out for dinner with friends and OH tonight and feel slightly smug! Happy travels everyone.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Saga66

I bet you stood out from the crowd Saga and no worries about getting lost! :)

Wow, that fitbit will be your friend for life and you'll be ours :)

Have a great time tonight :)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Hi Lizzie and ML and travellers. Can Rosie please come with us to Uluru?

My score today - 47.9k - yay!

I finally tried out an early morning indoor cycling class - very hard work, sweaty, thought I would collapse, don't like being barked at by a 12 year old instructor, very very relieved when it was over. Now feel fantastic. Can't wait to go again. Thanks Trafford for posting about this.

I also cycled there and back so lots of k's which we really need for Oz.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gonti

I'm speechless Gonti! :o

You must be out of your tree! Even so though, we think you're fabulous and the best thing since sliced bread. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! :) :) :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Gonti

::thunk:: ::ded::

48k!! Amazing!

Keep_on_going profile image

10.45 km

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Keep_on_going

Great number K_o_g :)

Hi all,

What a day fabulous !!! Oh and clocked up 11km😃


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

A double whammy Flossie, fab day and fab number! :)

in reply to moreless

Thank you possum!! 😇

Claire31 profile image

3km so achieved my goal today x tomorrow another 3km x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Claire31

Yaaaay Claire! WTG you! I knew you could do it! :) Tomorrow will be easy peasy :)

Claire31 profile image
Claire31 in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless for all your support x not looklng forward to Mondays weigh in but will just spur me on next week x one bad week won't stop me 😀😜x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Claire31

That's my girl! I'm not expecting a good weigh-in either, but it will be, what it will be and one week in the whole scheme of things is nothing. We can do this! :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to Claire31

Clarie I have company a as I am also not looking forward for Monday weigh in but you are so right their is always another week to pull ourselves together and shift those unwanted pounds off. You have the right attitude. Thanks!

Claire31 profile image
Claire31 in reply to bakersdozen

Thanks I think sometimes we have to be a bit naughty and not be too hard on ourselves but know that if we want to achieve what we set out to then one week or day isn't going to get in the way of our end goal xx as long it's not every day!! X

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to Claire31

It was so nice yesterday to have ice cream. You are so right it is nice to cheat here and there but not too often.

Veronicaby profile image

Hi ,my miles for sat is _14.79 have a good day everyone happy stepping...👟👟

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