Christmas Tactics: 19 days to go. 1... - Weight Loss Support

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Christmas Tactics

RobLandsdown91 profile image
14 Replies

19 days to go.

19 days (or maybe less) until the gorging starts

19 days (or maybe less) until the drinking starts

19 days until you eat all of the chocolate people buy you

Basically, 19 days until weight is being piled on. What are everyone's tactics going to be to lose the weight you will inevitably gain?

Rob :)

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RobLandsdown91 profile image
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14 Replies
Diana profile image

Spending Christmas with a friend, she continues to lose, I'm trying to maintain, so just a posh Sunday roast, no real excess and a few mince pies before that.

So no I intend to gain, or stuff myself, nor deny myself, normal service will resume Boxing Day or day after!

Diana profile image

Very wise

I am planning to stay on program

I shall definitely enjoy Christmas to the full. I shall eat what I want and when I want. It's a time of celebration :) I shan't over indulge, but I will have what I want on Christmas day.

So far I've lost over 2 1/2 stone and am unlikely to do much damage on just one day.

Party on :D

ElsieW profile image
ElsieW2 stone

I am going to try not to pig out too much. I'm going to my brothers house for the day so therefore won't have to buy in bad food for home. The plan is to eat a normal lunch and I've bought some green and blacks chocolate for Xmas day and Boxing day! (I've not had any chocolate since the end of October!!!!).

I don't want to undo all the good work done so far so feeling quite in control.

I don't drink so it won't affect me too much!

Elsie :-) xxx

Fran182716 profile image

I'm going to have a little of everything I like, we only have this sort of meal once a year, just eat slowly and stop when I'm satisfied. I'm working Christmas eve and Boxing Day so don't want to waste my one day lying on the sofa stuffed! I can pack a second portion to heat up at work on Boxing Day☀️

LouShooz profile image

Stay on plan really. Just factoring in s few treats but having lost 2 stone and feeling so much fitter i don't want to ruin all my good work. Its only me that'll put stuff in my mouth so its only me that can control any "gorging". I love my food and will enjoy but i dont love it enough to ruin how good i feel now. Have a lovely chritsmas everyone!!

Hi, I intend to enjoy myself on Christmas Day and Boxing Day (26th, not the Monday Bank Holiday)​ as I will be on holiday and I enjoy Christmas too much to worry about the effect of two days. However, this year it will just be the two days and not the two weeks I normally indulge in. Also, I don't think I can eat the volume I did before I started the NHS plan. I went out with friends last week and I could not comfortably eat the amount I did only a couple of months ago.

For me losing weight is about becoming, and remaining, as healthy as I can be, not about getting to a certain size or losing weight for a holiday etc. (been there done that and it doesn't work for me) No matter what happens over Christmas, all of us striving to eat in a health promoting way will be ahead of all those who are waiting to start their "diets" in January.

Good luck everyone with your healthy eating plan in December and throughout 2016.

Finding this whole period very difficult; was all going fairly well but stalled now. Had put a couple on which I seem to have lost so that's good. Went to supermarket yesterday and someone bought those gorgeous little red chocolate balls. These things have to not be in the house. Lots of people wanting to go out for meals, drinking etc (I do drink so that is another thing to contend with, though I am being very strict). What I actually need to do is get in the diary lot of exercise as that's what I haven't been doing and I know that would make all the difference. Action! One thing is I actually can't eat as much as I used to, so Christmas Day I literally won't be able to eat a massive portion as I think it would make me sick. I could probably eat a fair bit over a period of time though

sueper profile image

Hi Rob, I plan having about 3 days off. I'll try to be sensible but I have bought a fair few treats for the family to enjoy but much less than normal.

Usually by now we've eaten at least 1 tin of Roses so definitely making progress. :)

I have the whole of xmas period off but hubby back to work on Boxing Day so I am planning a long walk every day between xmas and new year to shed some of the gain. I expect to get any gain off within a week - this is what I have done when I gained during my last 2 holidays.

I have bought a bottle of chocolate Baileys which is like drinking liquid cream cake - so I will throw away anything left when I go to bed on Boxing Day.

What plans do you have?

libbydaniels88 profile image

It sounds like a lovely idea rob, " eat what you like and pig out for the Christmas period" and if it works for you, that's great, however if I start pushing food down my throat at the first sign of daylight on Xmas day. I'm afraid ill never be able to get back on the plan.

Right now, my taste buds have gotten used to not having chocolate, crisps. Etc, and if the greedy little wasters get a taste of it, they will drive me mad wanting more !

So. Its keep on the plan for me as much as possible, and plan for success not failure.

( I hate Xmas anyway 😠) ( they modelled the Grinch on me)


WeightWarrior profile image

I have a meal out planned for my birthday, and I am going to have my fave dessert that day. I am basically going to take my birthday and Christmas Day off...I don't plan to go completely mad, just allow myself those two days to take a break from strict calorie counting and if I want to eat a little more of the tasty stuff on those two days, I will! That said, I do plan to still keep a food diary on those days with rough guestimates of calories, just to remind me of how much is in that food and why I don't want to go back to eating that way.

We have a "Christmas box" in our house, and it has the annual goodies in it, but I've already worked out what calories are in those and will be factoring small bits of "the goodies" into my daily 100 cal snacks throughout December. That way I won't feel I missed out altogether. For years now I have missed having my little cherry brandy tipple and a glass of sparkly with my Christmas lunch with the rest of the family, because I can't drink, so I don't intend to feel I am missing out on the other little bits and pieces too. I'm drawing the line at mum's trifle tho, that is calorific! But...I'm making sugar free jelly and dream topping (not so evil calorie wise as I thought it would be!), a portion of those two together can be a 100 cal snack too - happy days!

So those are my good intentions, here's to making sure they don't fall apart eh!

2bFabnfit profile image

I am currently under my goal weight so can afford to relax a bit. I will use the same strategies I have whilst losing. To look at total weekly intake. Eating less on the days either side and enjoying treats on actual celebration days. I will have a little of everything I fancy but remain mindful of portion size.

I have given up refined sugar but now allow it on celebration days so a couple of treats to look forward to and a glass of wine or two. Then resume sugar free till 31st (my son's birthday ) the next celebration day.

1st Jan resume refined sugar free.

Seems to be working for me.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

I have no intention of gorging over the Christmas period, maybe when I'm at goal I may relax a little, but for now I intend to view food as fuel for my body and not an excuse to lose control and make a pig of myself...............that's the plan anyway :)

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