Friday 13th, decided to weigh myself when I got in from work this morning. 2lb off, yayyy. Lucky for me. Off to put on the lottery.......
Lucky for some.: Friday 13th, decided to... - Weight Loss Support
Lucky for some.
Woo hoo
Have you adopted a black cat ?!
If only everyone would adopt one. Life would be better.
Too true - and I've got a dog going if anyone wants that
My white and my ginger cats are not keen on the dog idea.
Neither was my tortoiseshell cat - she moved out to the neighbours outhouse and just comes back for food !
No, the black and white one I have ( Katie) is enough. She is 12 years old and still as short tempered as when we got her at 8 week old, lol. 😊
Did you see that news article that has been out recently about the fact that our cats may in fact still have the instinct to try and kill us. I can quite believe that sometimes !
My Katie often tries to kill us. I'm not kidding!!! If she isn't laying in wait at the curve of the staircase to trip any unsuspecting descender, or biting the nearest ankle from under the sofa, then she's trying to scare the life from us with some half dead or stunned vermin. Stroke her at your peril, Katie will purrr round you and lift her chin for a little tickle - tickle her for longer than she wants though and she'll take half your fingers off, lol. All in all, she is one of the most bad tempered cats I have ever known!! 😳😏
You should meet our Doris She walks around hissing at everything single thing she encounters, including us, the dog, her daughter cat, furniture - anything, all the time. She once stuck her claw in the dog's eyeball and punctured it
I reckon her and your Katie would get on well ! (not...)
I love cats !
Lol, either get on well or kill each other!! 😉
Yay, a little boost to put a spring in your step! 😄

Hi ShellieL,
Definitely a lucky day for you! Congratulations on that 2 pound off - really great.
Hooray 2 more gone.
Congrats Shellie, your new lucky number. Bet you put 13, 11, 15 and 2 on your lotto ticket, hope they come up. Hope you have a great wknd x
Confession time, I got sidetracked and forgot to put the lottery on😩. I will be finding a sturdy tree to hang a good thick rope from if my numbers come up now..............
How are you getting on Ruth? Has the job front problem been sorted? I haven't been on here lately as I have worked 7 days straight and have just crashed between shifts. I am not in work now until Monday night ( turning my work phone off to make sure!!). I am going for afternoon tea tomorrow in Epworth, so need to be careful for the rest of the weekend. Hope your weekend is going nicely. 😊
Oh well - I don't play the lottery but nice to think of certain numbers being lucky. Sounds like you've been very intense at work, esp considering the recent health scare? Hope by crashing you mean lots of well deserved rest. My job's a bit better since I cleared the air with my complaint. The person who was being a problem has massively toned things down as a result, hope this lasts. I've in the meantime got other job offers, so am in a position to negotiate, watch this space!
Hope you're managing your stress okay too, enjoy your afternoon tea tomorrow (within reason). Also not on here as much as I'd like at the moment, but hey that's life
Oh I do hope you get the job that you deserve Ruth, one that is a joy to go too. I have slept and worked, slept and worked.... this week. The poor dog has had the shortest walks ever I am ashamed to admit, this will be remedied this weekend though. We have some new inductees at work starting soon which will take the pressure off a little, but though I have done a lot of hours I promise I have been taking care of myself too. Tomorrow morning I am planning to just have some yoghurt and muesli for breakfast and taking Alfie for a woodland forage. I have already made some leek and potato soup for dinner too. I am not going to count calories, just going with the flow and trying to curb overindulgence. Plenty of tea and less food, that'll do the trick, lol. 😊
Good for you girl! I once won a raffle prize with no. 13! Can't remeber what it was thiugh
I always said my ex-husband was a jinx. If there was a raffle, tombola, etc... then it was me that was always sent to have a go ( I won every time), then I met my ex and luck seemed to desert me! I married in the March of '86 and won a huge Harrods hamper in the November ( I won 1st prize and was gutted, lol, I wanted 3rd prize!!). The hamper was a beautiful handmade wicker one ( I still have it, used as a bedding box and seat at present - it is over 2ft high x 3ft across), it was filled with Champagne, caviar, etc... To a newly married working class girl, 3rd prize of a 'Family fare' hamper was infinitely more desirable,lol. Alas, that was practically the last thing I won. When I parted with my ex, my lucky streak came back and I do quite nicely now, nothing huge ( I did win £1000+ twice though within a few months of us parting - much needed at the time to keep the bills paid). I usually win on the raffles or tombolas each time again now too. It would appear my jinx has been lifted..............TOUCH WOOD. 😊
Wow ShellieL well done you, it's not such a bad day after all yayya!!