Thank you for all the friendly messages. My GP gave me a tip yesterday. I have always found it difficult to eat breakfast - I just don't want it. my GP said to try eating carbs for breakfast and lunch and protein only after, say, 5pm so that I wake up hungry.its easier to use up the carbs in the day as well. Sounds almost obvious when I think about it!
Dee65: Thank you for all the friendly... - Weight Loss Support

I'd really struggle without any carbs, don't eat masses, if I;m hungry it's totally bad news and then crave the crap
I don't really do the whole breakfast time but get told all the time it helps lose weight due to kick starting the metabolism or something so I have a little smoothie for breakfast (one of the lunch pack for kids innocent ones) and it means its quick and easy and not too much of a change for me plus its one of my 5 day - tho I love the super berry boost from m&s which is 2 of your 5 a day
The owner of a gym I joined many years ago also advocated the 'no carbs' rule after 5pm. Theory is that your body can't turn excess carbs to energy, so instantly stores it as fat. I tried it for a while, but it is tough. Protein such as chicken and eggs should fill you up if you bulk it out with veg and salad. I've replaced potatoes and pasta with cous cous - not sure how many carbs are in cous cous, but it is lower in calories.

I only joined yesterday and no carbs after 5 is tough. I've been eating fruit tonight which isn't so good. An omelette with veg last night was better.
You really don't need to have breakfast if you don't want to! Our metabolism is working all the time and doesn't need a kick start.
I find I need some carbs with my evening meal or I don't sleep well. It doesn't need to be a lot and I chose the slow release type, like sweet potatoe.
Good luck with finding what works for you.
I agree with Penel. Essentially the most important factor is a reduction in inbound calories (along with an increase in used-up calories) - personally I prefer that to be proper food rather than processed stuff (but I have my moments!).
I have been skipping breakfast lots recently because 1) I have to leave for work early and am really not feeling remotely hungry at 6.30am 2) I'd prefer to save my calories for later in the day and 3) I'm not prepared to get up even earlier in order to eat! For me at the present time, skipping breakfast is a very easy calorie-save. And then I usually enjoy a few pieces of fruit later in the morning.
It may not always be thus - but right now it works for me.
Hi Dee, I agree with posts above mine, your gps advice is worth a try to see if it works for you, but not necessary to follow if it doesn't. I couldn't eat breakfast early and if I forced it down I would have a stomach ache and can't see how that's good for you! I'm lucky that I can take mine to work, I know not everyone has a job where you could do that. I'm also like Penel, i tend to eat lower carb morning and lunch as veg/protein/ moderate fat combo keeps my energy more level and sustained through the day, but I need some low gi carbs in the evening or I get headachy and difficulty sleeping. Refined carbs at lunch spell disaster for me ( this happened yesterday due to someone's birthday lunch at work) as I just kept grazing on carbs for hours and feel hung over today! Different things work better for different people and best thing to do is experiment to see what works best for you, good luck☀️
I found that no carbs last night was easier. I took two grandchildren to an after school club and ate one of he little Tesco pots of raisins and berries (83kcal) and a bottle of water with it. Didn't feel like anything else all evening, but had a good lunch and breakfast. Perhaps being away from the house - and kitchen - helped. Even treated grandkids to McDonalds, and didn't want anything myself. Am I turning into Wonder Woman?! Hope I don't make up for it today. I'm sure that being retired helps as I can eat when I like.