Diet: I will start my diet and the whole... - Weight Loss Support

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9 Replies

I will start my diet and the whole weight loss program tomorrow - I should 3 stones in 6 months...:-) This will be hard because I like my food...

9 Replies

What I wanted to write was: I should lose 3 stones in 6 months...

Eva_G profile image

Hi Emeritus :)

It's great you've decided to go on the wight loss programme, good luck!

I'm new too and also have to lose 3 stone but I plan to do it in about 9 months as that would be 1 pound per week which seems easiest to me. But your goal is too in the healthy range so I hope you succeed!

My advice would be to plan your meals ahead because that was my biggest problem the first time I started - I didn't realise how much high calorie/fat/sugar food were in my fridge and cupboard! So if you don't plan your meals a day ahead you might end up with nothing healhy to eat or snack upon. I started by replacing all the foods I consume on daily basis with lighter versions and getting rid of the old versions. Like lightr spreads, cheeses, mayo etc.

in reply to Eva_G

Hi Eva!

Many thanks for the advise!

I will throw everything "heavy" out of my fridge today.

I also want to get a juicer so that all the vitamin I would need to have I could have it in my glass...:-)

I remember that I lost 1 stone in 3 weeks last November when I only ate fish as meat and basically just small portion of microwave-food (also fish) and drank only water + exercise...:-)

NiCherry profile image

Hi Emeritus!

I'd say your goal is do-able.... But it will probably be a had 6 months for you!

You mentioned in your response to Eva that you lost a stone last November...did that stay off, or did you gain in again? I only ask as very restrictive diets often lead to rapid weight loss, but we don't learn about how to keep it up long term?

The juicer idea is a good idea, just watch your sugar intake. There is a lot of natural sugars in fruit and veg. I bet you could manage to drink the juice of 10 oranges in one go, but could you actually eat 10 oranges in one go?

I feel like I'm raining on your parade here!

I would suggest you look at the NHS 12 week plan and download the myfitnesspal app. Both will help you to count calories and learn the nutritional value of the food we eat, so that your weight goes away, and stays away!

Drink lots of water and keep coming back here - the sorry from everyone here is amazing!!!

Good luck!

in reply to NiCherry

Hi NiCherry,

You are knocking on a open door...:-)

That stone in 3 weeks was part of a campaign before Christmas.

I was already warned about that natural sugar in fruits and veg so I will definitely watch that.

I am looking for a gym right now to join as well. I only moved to my new place 2 months ago so I am still discovering.

No worry concerning raining on my parade - I did not write my post in order to be hailed after that but in order to get input from those have been on that journey for awhile and can help/advise me too.

Enjoy your day!


Portlandprincess profile image

Hi ...with the help of this amazing forum, I've shed 14 pounds already...ive stuck with 1600 cals and it's working for me at about a pound a week now...happy with that

Dave1000 profile image
Dave10001 stone


I wish you every success. Is there an I moveable date that you have to lose the weight for. If not, why the race? Without in any way trying to change your decision I would think that the most important thing you could get from dieting this way would be a change in the way that you view and consume food that is sustainable and prevents you from ever regaining the weight in future. This site makes the journey pleasurable but I would rather be in a position in a year of twos time where I am maintaining my weight and trying to help others than starting again having lost and regained. Every success in any way you chose.

Dave x

Dave1961 profile image

Awww mate if we didn't ALL like our food we wouldn't be here :)

3 stones in 6 months is ambitious but definitely doable.

Get every tool you can find, download the My Fitness Pal app and start logging your food - its free, easy and quick to use.

Plan, plan, PLAN your week as far as eating goes. Its when you do not have a healthy meal or snack available that we go straight for what we have always known - junk food. ELiminate the temptation and make sure you always have your pantry and fridge stocked with healthy snacks and meals.

COmmit to doing 30 minutes a day every day for 30 days of exercise. Once you have done the 30 days you will find that actually WANT to exercise each day :)

You can do this. I know it

sueper profile image

Hi Emeritus,

I have managed 4 stone in 8 months so you may be able to do it but I have a lot to lose.

The trick is keeping it off so you may want to think more in terms of a lifestyle change than a quick fix diet.

I'd suggest setting yourself lots of mini goals with some sort of reward system. I save £1 for every lb I lose and also save larger amounts when I hit certain targets, it does help motivate.

Good luck :)

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