Its like going back to school, have I got everything I need? Well, the fridge is full of healthy food, the fruit bowl actually has fruit in instead of a collection of old pens and elastic bands, and I've got the right mindset so as long as there is no revision and a massive exam at the end then I think I'll be fine.
I had a real think about how I'm going to go about this, I liked sueper's way of being conscious about eating but not calorie counting, and I also liked the thought of calorie counting to make sure I'm eating within boundaries, so I'm going to combine the two.
This week I'm going to really concentrate on making sure I get my 5-a-day and that I eat as healthily as I can without getting to the deprived state that will push me over the edge and into the type of uncontrolled eating where I eat just one biscuit and before I know it the pack is empty. Assuming (and yes I know that assumptions can be dangerous) that I lose weight this week, then next week I'll do the same again but this time make a note of how many calories I'm taking in each day. If I'm still losing weight then I will start the 12 week plan but at a calorie intake which is tailored to me rather than set by someone else because I know its hard for me to lose weight and my rate can be very slow.
I'm also going to change my dog walking places to make for better longer walks, they'll love it and I'll benefit from it, and I'll be more active at home.