Well woke up and thought todays the day i start couch to 5k well i got about 10mins in and thought i was going to die, so i slowed down and walked for about 30mins. Positive was that i actually tried, and kept walking instead of giving up and going home. Not gonna let it get me down, next time ill last longer have a great day ppl x
Epic fail: Well woke up and thought... - Weight Loss Support
Epic fail

Keep going, with Laura's gentle encouragement you'll get there! Well done for walking on ... You'll get a bit further next time ... You can do it 😉
At least you tried! I can't imagine myself running.
Well done! Same happened to me yesterday - after 10 min had to cut down the 60sec to 45-30sec and I think i didnt even run the last run just walked it .. but WELL DONE you were ACTIVE FOR 30 MIN!!!!!
I'll be followin your progress (if you dont mind )
Keep us posted x
Thanks for the advice ill bear it in mind
Well done you! Just keep at it, repeat the same run until you can do it and then go on to the next one. don't get hung up on doing week 1 for 4 weeks. Once you crack it, you will love it. I just finished week 5 (after 8 weeks on the programme) and it's wonderful. I never would have thought I could turn into a runner, but I think I might. So certainly not an "epic fail". Proud of you!!!
Like so many things, it gets easier. You will find you can manage a bit longer every time you go,out, and you are doing yourself so much good.well done you! X

Thank you frankie ill get there l9l
Hi Fibron well done for attempting it! I've just started my 2nd week on C25K and although it's really daunting don't give up. I'm no expert on this but join the community they are so helpful and supportive with their advice. Like on here And a 30 min walk is better than no walk. You keep up the good work!
Definitely worth joining the C25K community here on HealthUnlocked. Where we'll tell you to run more slowly - it only needs to be a running motion, you are acquiring a skill here. Taking smaller steps can be a help (if really desperate and almost at the end of a run, even running on the spot)
I applaud your strategy of keeping going as long as possible and then walking the rest. As you say, you've got something to aim for next time and it will be much easier to see your progress than if you'd tried to run some again or run a bit less of each run section. It took me weeks to achieve the three full sessions of Week 1 successfully but I never lost heart because I could see that I was at least holding my own and mostly making improvements each time... and then after that every session was a successful one.
Good luck with it all and enjoy
That's a great start ! If you like using apps - use Map My Walk. It tells you where you've walked, how far , what speed and the calories burned !
I started with small walks 30 mins and then built it up. Can now do 4 miles and still be ok for the rest of the day. I tried 6 miles but I had to have a sleep when I got back ! 😉