First fail: I binged heavily on day 1... - Weight Loss Support

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First fail

18 Replies

I binged heavily on day 11 yesterday, my long distance boyfriend has simply just left me with no explanation and as a typical fat person I of course tried to comfort myself with food. It didn't help at all, in fact I feel even worse today but the matter of fact is that I feel like giving up on just about everything.

Have a good day people.

18 Replies

What a moron he is.  He doesn't deserve you if he doesn't even have the guts to discuss the situation.  So, you've binged - you've also found it didn't make you feel better.  Take this as an opportunity to be kind to yourself and eat well.  Get outside if you can and take a walk - fresh air and (if you are lucky) sunshine and exercises are generally good mood enhancers.  Get yourself a manicure, a pedicure, a massage, a makeover - something non-food related that makes you feel good or pampered.  I don't know your original reasoning for losing weight, but if it was for improved health, fitness, lifestyle, self-esteem those reasons are still there.  Look at what you've achieved already - don't belittle it, build on it.  And envisage that new you and how sick the idiot will be to have missed out on you.

Stay focussed and don't let this throw you.  You can do this.

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Oh Mamiyou 😕 So sorry 😕 It's natural to turn to food for comfort. But you know what? You are better than this, you don't need food to comfort you, you have us 😊 So pick yourself up, go for a shower, go for a walk, and plan some healthy but comforting meals for the rest of the week 😊

Very best wishes 

in reply to IndigoBlue61

I'm trying. It will take some time to recover. Cause everything seems so pointless to me right now.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

It will do 😕 Allow yourself to be sad as that is natural and understandable 😕 Be kind to yourself 😊 And with time you will adjust 😊 Very best wishes 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Oh mamiyou, I'm so sorry that you've been treated so shabbily, by the very person that should know better!

I'm not surprised that you turned to food for comfort, because only being on day 11, means that you haven't had time to develop new coping strategies. We always turn to the familiar in times of stress.

Put the binge behind you, it served its purpose at the time, but is not the way you want to move forward.

You must not treat yourself as badly as your ex did. You deserve much, much better!

11 days ago, you started a journey that was to take you along the road to a new happy, healthy you! This is your personal journey and isn't dependent on anyone else's participation. Having said that, we will always be your constant! We will be here to comfort, advise, encourage, support, motivate, congratulate, commiserate, inspire and cheer. You will never be alone.

Don't give up, you deserve all the good things life has to offer. One day, the slimmer, healthier version of you will find a new love and the ex will be a very hazy memory and jealous to boot! ;)

Chin up mamiyou! Onwards and downwards! All losers are winnere! :)

in reply to moreless

I don't know if I haven't developed strategies to cope, maybe I just didn't expect it to happen. Thanks for the kind words, I can't say more at the moment cause I'm in so much pain I can't seem to think properly.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Just take all the time you need, to heal yourself. I just wanted you to know that we'll be here for you, whenever you need us :)

Jesterpuss1 profile image

Hi Hidden , I second everything moreless  has said! Poor you! Try to keep strong! Thinking of you 😘 x

cgdtaylor profile image

Very sorry to hear of what happened. You deserve far better and will find it! Just keep talking to us, we are here for you. 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Mamiyou,

I am so sorry to hear your news, and that must have been quite a shock.  To offer no explanation at all is very tough.  I really hope you're ok, and that you're coping in the circumstances.

Be kind to yourself, and maybe seek some support from a good friend.  It's times like this when you could do with good friends around you, and I hope you can talk to someone.  

Glad you posted here, as there are always people around.

Maybe you can ask him to offer you an explanation for why he has acted as he has?  It doesn't seem fair to leave you not knowing why.  Very difficult to come to terms with something like that.  

I hope you're ok.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks Zest , I am a very introverted person and I don't have a lot of friends to talk to. Honestly I am tired of asking for explanation and talking things out with people, I'll just let it be. Maybe at some point he will understand how hurtful hes behavior was and how much i loved him, for now I'll just try to breathe. There only will be what is meant to be.

tidirhin2548 profile image
tidirhin25486kgRestart April 2024

So sorry to hear the news mamiyou, I hope you will feel better soon. Take time to rest and heal. Healthy food will help you. How about a nice sweet glass of freshly pressed orange juice, and maybe some water therapy (swimming) to calm and soothe the mind. We'll be here for you :) Katty

in reply to tidirhin2548

I can't swim. But orange juice sounds good :)

kantara71 profile image

So sorry to hear this mamiyou and at this time it is still very raw and hurts like hell. It takes time, but you will get better at handling it and learning to move forward with your life. Think of yourself now and what you want to achieve in the short, medium and long term and start to live your life with those aims in mind.

Take care of yourself and take your time, there is no quick fix to get over such a setback and the feeling of being let down and betrayed. You have a lot of friends on here thinking of you and who will be here for you. Johnx

asics profile image

Don't forget there always seems to be someone on line here - post anything whenever you need an ear.

You need to grieve and as kantara71  says it will hurt like hell. So have some time to grieve, have time for a bloomin good old sob for as long as you need.

Then ... get angry and channel that anger into the next phase of your healthy programme. Good luck lovely and as everyone has said, we are all here for you. X

Anon-E-Mouse profile image

Time is a great healer Hidden  Try to picture yourself in six months time, healthier, slimmer and with someone who appreciates you. That man is a coward not to tell you how he felt, or why he did this. Without knowing the reason I'm sure it's hard to accept and put it behind you. Take this opportunity to put yourself first, have a cry, then pamper yourself (as Purple_faced_woman  suggested above). Try a mantra - you can be strong, you will be strong, you are strong. You can do it.


borderlass profile image

Hi Mamiyou, I've just read you post, may I agree with everyone's wise words, and send you a ((hug)). As a fellow introvert, who's husband decided to leave me with two young children ( 20 years ago) I still can recall the emotional pain, the feeling the world had ended, but here I am, with a much better man, gorgeous grandchildren and a feeling of contentment I would never have dreamt of.  It will get better love, one breath at a time xx

in reply to borderlass

Oh dear that must have sucked so hard. But life goes on, and you're a perfect example of it. :)

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