Had a really bad weekend ate way to much feel very bad freind came over . Now I feel like s@"t scared Iv put on lb
Bad weekend: Had a really bad weekend... - Weight Loss Support
Bad weekend
Do extra exercise tonight or tomorrow?
These things happen, relax!
Me too...
And me too! Had chinese takeaway on saturday and cheesecake for dessert yesterday ....and several wines so went over my calories by 500 both days!! When this happens , which it does every so often, I get back on tbe wagon as will today. But iwont weigh myself now until end of the week and chances are it usually balances out fine. Since april I lost 15lbs despite several relapses and two holidays . DONT PANIC
Great advice ... I'm panicking about a weekend of wine and chocolate .. Stupid to do it really .. But got to get back into it this morning
Dont worry just get back to it this week. I put on 2lb the other week and have ow lost that and more so 1 week isnt going to ruin everything. now 3 or 4 weeks of doing the same might. Dont beat yourself up accept it and start again
Thank every one Monday is a new week back on I can do this and eating that rubbish food made me crap health food all they way xxx
Thank every one Monday is a new week back on I can do this and eating that rubbish food made me crap health food all they way xxx