Just starting on the suggested 1400 ca... - Weight Loss Support
Just starting on the suggested 1400 calorie diet. What motivates people when it gets tough?

For me part of it is the support and the motivation that comes from this site. Also, thinking how far I have already come and the goal I have in mind and the reason why. The fact that I feel healthier than I did also helps - accept that you will have tough times but that is normal.
I have mini treats set along as incentives. The other thing to remember is that this is a new way of eating, a healthier way of eating for life and to not think of it as a diet.
Good luck.
Totally agree with Bispers. Plan your meals and snacks and don't get too hungry, and don't beat yourself up if you go over now & then, long term it won't make any difference if it's only occasional. Most of the summer my weight was static as I had visitors and was eating out a lot. I was just pleased I didn't gain. But got back to normal now and slowly losing. The feeling fitter and healthier has been a big bonus for me.
Good luck.
Beware of biscuits cakes etc. Its surprising how many calories they contain and how easy they are to scoff!
Have a read of Dr Luswig's articles... You can find him on Google - and also here!
I found that cutting out as much sugar as poss (which includes alcohol and sugary foods and even grapes and lots of sugary fruit) has been extremely helpful to me, and just losing weight motivates!!! Another useful bit of info I have to my surprise discovered and implemented is to have a bit of "natural" fat as this is very filling. And there is always water!!! It was a godsend discovering this site - the members here are very supportive!
Good luck - you can do it!
Dr Lustig? This is one of his articles ucsf.edu/news/2013/01/13393...
It's not easy sticking with the changes but you have to want to do it for you, believe you have worth and determine to stick with it. You are stronger than the cravings. It takes time to overcome any withdrawals to old habits but you can. The end result will be worth it. Tackle one day at a time, and if you slip up, get right back on track again. You'll feel so much better, have more energy and enjoy life more. Rootin' for you! You can do it!
Good luck with the diet. Where do you download the 1400 diet plan.
I think you have to take it one day at a time and be realistic. After all, the weight just doesn't go on overnight lol. Making small changes eventually becomes a habit. Yes, you will have the odd slip up but the trick is to pick yourself up and carry on. Incorporating exercise into your life is a great boost not only to burn calories but mentally too- those feel good endorphins Good luck!
Hi jeancuffe,
I don't know what motivates individuals - I mean everyone will have their own reason for wanting to lose weight.
Be able to run around with the kids / grandkids. Fit into the jeans they used to wear. Look good at the upcoming wedding. Reduce health risks. Have less weight bearing down upon their hips / knees / ankles. Not feel so embarrassed when they go swimming, dancing, exercise class, whatever. Not feel so out of breath going up stairs, walking the dog, doing the housework.
What MIGHT motivate people is just how much better it feels to be living in and moving around in a slimmer, lighter, more flexible body.
And from my point of view, I can promise people that having lost 4 stone, it really does feels just soooooo much better.
I think people get motivated by knowing what they will not have if they will not to something about the problem or what they will be if they will continue what they are doing now. for example in my case..
First thing that motivates me is that when I see people going to clubs, talking with girls and enjoying the evening, shqwoing their abs in the beach and walk comfortabley.. I have two options in this case either to bit"h about it / get jealous and cry home or to do something.
I know what my problem is and I have accepted it in a way that it exists and I am working on it now.
Second thing is if I will not stop doing which I do now for example my only best friend when i am sad is food probably a pizza.. i gonna die as a big fat turkey..
ps.. when people throw comments on u about ur weight and other stuff... that also motivates me that in a year time it will be me looking on their face and smiling...
For every kg you loose, image the loss in bags of sugar - and feel proud (motivated!).
youtu.be/W9Aj6hRYg4A - this worked for me!