Hi, I'm melissa (mel) and I just received my letter from the Weight Management Service, I called to confirm that I still want to go ahead with this as I feel it will help me. I am 25 y/o, 15.6 st and 5'1, so not the healthiest I've ever been. The waiting list is 4-5 weeks, which is a bit annoying but what can you do!
I also started my GP prescribed Orlistat on Monday 24/6/13, I have had a few side effects since starting, but they aren't too bad as I have been watching what I eat and cutting down my portions (E.g Instead of a full tin of mac cheese, I have half and leave the other half for the next day) although I do have 2 slices of half and half toast with that. I only have one cup of tea a day which is only when I get home from work, no fizzy drinks etc.
If there is any other tips that anyone can give me It would be fab!
I am keeping an Orlistat blog to record my time on the medication and record what I have eaten each day. If you would like to read it I will give the link at the bottom.