Hi everyone I start metformin today I'm suppose to take my first tablet with lunch but iv built myself up so much about it I'm scared to take them because of the side affects are they that bad
scared to take my first tablet - PCOS UK (Verity)
scared to take my first tablet
I've recently started Metformin too, and steadily increased to 3 tablets a day. I was a bit dubious too, but I haven't had any side effects!! Felt perfectly normal on them
oh that's brilliant I'm on 2 tablets a day and I have to increase it to 4 a day but that's good to know that your felling okay if you wouldn't mind keeping me updated I would be grateful its nice to talk to people going though the same thing
thank you we have been trying for nearly 2 years as well its so frustrating
I'm the same as you my cycle is all over the place ! I'm hoping that the tablets with encourage my cycles and help with my weight loss to Fingers crossed, there are mixed reviews about metformin I just try and read all the good ones and keep it positive I hope everything goes well for you