Morning all
I went to my very first acupuncture treatment yesterday and came out feeling a lot more relaxed. I'm not sure if it's me just over thinking it but I feel whatever it is that's been done it's really relaxed my body. I was told my left hand side of the bodies hormones are low and that's why I have the imbalance and the acupuncture should have balanced it out.
I was also told I have thyroid which I've not been diagnosed with before so that was quite surprising to me.
I did a pregnancy test this morning and it's negative but I feel after the acupuncture and my body hormones being a lot more balanced it should help. I have in the mean time booked myself for another treatment in 4 weeks so see if there have been any changes.
Has anyone else gone through this journey? This is the first for me so help and guidance with this would be helpful!!
Thank you