Anyone else struggle with losing weight, acne flare ups, excessive sweating, anxiety, low mood or is it just me? Has anyone got any advice for me. I'm not on any contraception got taken off the pill to see if it helped me lose weight.
Anyone else struggling with pcos have iss... - PCOS UK (Verity)
Anyone else struggling with pcos have issues with losing weight, acne, mood swings, excessive sweating?
Everything you have said is totally me, I have no advice at all though cos I'm stuck in the same rut 😫 I'm having reflexology next week to see if that helps at all xx
Bless you. I feel your pain its soo frustrating and then everyone has different advice as well as you can see from the replys I've had and then I'm still left like ahh what do I do!
I had All of the above... Pcos has no cure but it has a lot of treatments you need to do your research.. For research start with Google Pinterest or a professional PCOS nutritionist all things I have done. All things the doctors gave zero help to do but I wish I had done it ten years ago. I have server pcos, I developed diabetes type2 I have lost so much hair on my head I wear a wig. I used to sweat like crazy amounts I was constantly tired... I was so large weight wise it was affecting my knees and joints.. I have been trying for a baby for 12 years the list continues, now I lost 4 stone my hair is coming back (slowly) I have very little facial hair now I feel heathy full of energy and like I can do anything and I had conformation of ovulation 2 months in a row... the change is now I understand my issues and I’m treating them ! I do have a nutritionist but that’s the last 3 months I started doing my research and changing my diet over 2 years ago. I eat gluten and lacto free, minimal carbs (no simple carbs bread, rice, pasta, white potato) I eat buckwheat, quino, swede, sweet potato, butternut squash... and mostImportantly I cut as much sugar out of my diet as possible. It’s basically your new enemy.. unused carbs simple carbs even more so turn to sugar in your body when not used so that why they are dangerous as they are secret sugars! A super quick explanation before you go and do your own research.. pcos causes insulin resistance (too much unused sugar in your body ), to combat having to much insulin in tour body makes additional testosterone.. then the much higher level of testosterone causes hairy face, chest back.. causes you notTo ovulate in most cases making having children more difficult and male Patter hair loss so bold top of the head and crown. That’s super simple way there are lots of other issues but it’s a good starting point. So why gluten free and lacto free.. pcos Also causes inflammation of the gut this is why so many ladies get diagnosed as having IBS most don’t it’s lazy doctors.. the inflammation makes like hard it affects your fatigue levels, confidence as your constantly worried about needing the loo among other things. Going gluten free and lacto/dairy free helped me massively.. then and maybe most importantly supplements as a lady with pcos you most don’t know but Your body will be lacking in certain things so Inositol is a must what ever othe supplements you take this must be number one.. this is all my own research the expense of a pcos nutritionist and years of finding what works for me every one is different but don’t be worried or shook so the research and take control! Good luck
I have PCOS, and I to was experiencing the same as you! The best thing I did, and it may sound a little extream but trust me it really works, I cut out dairy from my diet and wow it really changed my skin, my moods, I dropped 12lb in 3 weeks and feel so much better for it.
Dairy is full of hormones and adding this into a body that dosnt deal with hormones correctly anyway is not good. I also take a supplement called conceive a plus it’s specially formulated for women with pcos and has all the supplements that we lack! It’s the ovulation support one, I get it from Amazon, helps with regular periods and they are not as painful!
Give it a try, if you need anymore help I will try and help you! X
Sorry for jumping in but are them supplements you take are they expensive, I've been losing weight but just recently my period has stopped me form doing any exercise as it's really bad and I have just put the pounds back on xx
Thank you for replying! Oh wow really cutting out dairy I've never heard of that. I'm guessing you have a dairy substitute? 12lbs in 3 weeks that's amazing!!! Well done. I've got an appointment with my doctor this week so hopefully will get some help. My experience of being diagnosed was awful. The clinic was hours behind and I saw an eye doctor who told me I have PCOS and gave me a leaflet and told me to book in to see my GP as he wouldn't be able to answer any questions I had! Conplete joke. Then when I saw a doctor he didn't know much about it and gave me another leaflet.
I dont like the thought of buying pills online just because you never know what is in them. Will mention them to my doctor and see what they say. Thank you for your help

.. Pcos has no cure but it has a lot of treatments you need to do your research.. For research start with Google Pinterest or a professional PCOS nutritionist all things I have done. All things the doctors gave zero help to do but I wish I had done it ten years ago. I have server pcos, I developed diabetes type2 I have lost so much hair on my head I wear a wig. I used to sweat like crazy amounts I was constantly tired... I was so large weight wise it was affecting my knees and joints.. I have been trying for a baby for 12 years the list continues, now I lost 4 stone my hair is coming back (slowly) I have very little facial hair now I feel heathy full of energy and like I can do anything and I had conformation of ovulation 2 months in a row... the change is now I understand my issues and I’m treating them ! I do have a nutritionist but that’s the last 3 months I started doing my research and changing my diet over 2 years ago. I eat gluten and lacto free, minimal carbs (no simple carbs bread, rice, pasta, white potato) I eat buckwheat, quino, swede, sweet potato, butternut squash... and mostImportantly I cut as much sugar out of my diet as possible. It’s basically your new enemy.. unused carbs simple carbs even more so turn to sugar in your body when not used so that why they are dangerous as they are secret sugars! A super quick explanation before you go and do your own research.. pcos causes insulin resistance (too much unused sugar in your body ), to combat having to much insulin in tour body makes additional testosterone.. then the much higher level of testosterone causes hairy face, chest back.. causes you notTo ovulate in most cases making having children more difficult and male Patter hair loss so bold top of the head and crown. That’s super simple way there are lots of other issues but it’s a good starting point. So why gluten free and lacto free.. pcos Also causes inflammation of the gut this is why so many ladies get diagnosed as having IBS most don’t it’s lazy doctors.. the inflammation makes like hard it affects your fatigue levels, confidence as your constantly worried about needing the loo among other things. Going gluten free and lacto/dairy free helped me massively.. then and maybe most importantly supplements as a lady with pcos you most don’t know but Your body will be lacking in certain things so Inositol is a must what ever othe supplements you take this must be number one.. this is all my own research the expense of a pcos nutritionist and years of finding what works for me every one is different but don’t be worried or shook so the research and take control! Good luck
Yes I struggle with the same issues. I have terrible night sweats, acne and I struggle to lose weight as I feel my blood sugars are all over the place and crave sweet foods. It’s a vicious cycle.
I have heard it helps to have a high fat high protein and low carb diet but right now I am struggling to do this due to emotional eating and hormones feeling all over the place xx
I’ve read that Inositol supplements can help but I’m not expert so it’s best to do your own research.
Hope you find some help xx
Hello thank you for replying. I just find I'm heavily sweating throughout the day and it's got to the point where avoiding things because of it and having to come up with reasons why I go home at work and get changed is a nightmare!Food is hard for me as well as I've suffered with eating disorders in the past so obviously putting on this extra weight and struggling to lose is already a vicious cycle. I've got a doctors appointment this week so hoping to get a bit more help but will see

Argh, sorry to hear that. Must be difficult for you. X
I’ve struggled with eating disorders too and have been through treatment. But, I still find it difficult to eat a balanced diet and not eat on my emotions. I also struggle with putting extra weight on, especially when it’s not due to overeating but due to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances. It’s tough.
Thanks for sharing, it’s good to know we are not alone and I hope it goes well at the Doctors. X
I have the same symptoms, sweating, hair loss, acne, weight gaining and depressed mood. Doctors said I probably have PCOS and I’m waiting for blood tests.I also noticed the strong correlation with diary; however go lacto-free didn’t help (as it is the same) but other substitutes make me feel really better!
I also had eating disorders in the past so i feel the same problems with gaining weight that is not caused by a wrong diet
Probably in my case it’s a consequence of many years under contraceptive pill
I had All of the above... Pcos has no cure but it has a lot of treatments you need to do your research.. For research start with Google Pinterest or a professional PCOS nutritionist all things I have done. All things the doctors gave zero help to do but I wish I had done it ten years ago. I have server pcos, I developed diabetes type2 I have lost so much hair on my head I wear a wig. I used to sweat like crazy amounts I was constantly tired... I was so large weight wise it was affecting my knees and joints.. I have been trying for a baby for 12 years the list continues, now I lost 4 stone my hair is coming back (slowly) I have very little facial hair now I feel heathy full of energy and like I can do anything and I had conformation of ovulation 2 months in a row... the change is now I understand my issues and I’m treating them ! I do have a nutritionist but that’s the last 3 months I started doing my research and changing my diet over 2 years ago. I eat gluten and lacto free, minimal carbs (no simple carbs bread, rice, pasta, white potato) I eat buckwheat, quino, swede, sweet potato, butternut squash... and mostImportantly I cut as much sugar out of my diet as possible. It’s basically your new enemy.. unused carbs simple carbs even more so turn to sugar in your body when not used so that why they are dangerous as they are secret sugars! A super quick explanation before you go and do your own research.. pcos causes insulin resistance (too much unused sugar in your body ), to combat having to much insulin in tour body makes additional testosterone.. then the much higher level of testosterone causes hairy face, chest back.. causes you notTo ovulate in most cases making having children more difficult and male Patter hair loss so bold top of the head and crown. That’s super simple way there are lots of other issues but it’s a good starting point. So why gluten free and lacto free.. pcos Also causes inflammation of the gut this is why so many ladies get diagnosed as having IBS most don’t it’s lazy doctors.. the inflammation makes like hard it affects your fatigue levels, confidence as your constantly worried about needing the loo among other things. Going gluten free and lacto/dairy free helped me massively.. then and maybe most importantly supplements as a lady with pcos you most don’t know but Your body will be lacking in certain things so Inositol is a must what ever othe supplements you take this must be number one.. this is all my own research the expense of a pcos nutritionist and years of finding what works for me every one is different but don’t be worried or shook so the research and take control! Good luck
That is a lot to take in. It seems everyone is saying to be lacto free and gluten free. That is a big change like you say. I don't knownhoe you've managed to find research that is relevant and worked for you because I'm clueless.

Start with Pinterest type in pcos pcos diet pcos supplements it’s not perfect but it’s a start.. then if you follow smartpcoschoices on Instagram she does a free 30 day Challenge that explains all the diet changes and even gives you food plans and why…
Thank you I will do that