I have been having lots of blood tests over the last 9 months.
Cushings has been ruled out, but my hormones are out of balance. Each blood test has come back as PCOS.
I experience the following: alot of weight gain, iregular periods, dry hair, black body hair on my face and around my nipples as well as the inner thighs. For me the worst part is lower back pain just above my bottocks, its even worse when its meant to be my period.
Could this be signs of endometrosis? Im not sure if i have infertility as i am 23 and not planning on children for another 5 years.
I have had transvaginal and abdominal scans and no cysts. Apprently not all people with pcos experience cysts.
I do have an appointment with the endocronologist but that is weeks away.
Will they look into just pcos or would they consider endometrosis?
Any advice/experience would be much appreciated.