I know it's late.: I found some pcos... - PCOS UK (Verity)

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I know it's late.

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7 Replies

I found some pcos information i didn't know about and it just upset me, I don't have anyone else to speak to.

It was on sepalika, 30 pcos symptoms.

Some where lesser known symptoms, I got upset because its pcos that can cause these. I thought it was just me.

Fat on my top half, never heard that before! Only around the belly.

Totally falling asleep while out socialising even at the table in restaurants or pubs (just have no control over it!???)

I catch people sometimes looking at me when I come "round" unless I stand up its impossible to prevent it. They say pcos can cause extreme fatigue! It is extremely irritating. But at the time I just have to sleep, people must think my drink has been spiked!

yawning alot is another one, although can't say I am tired at the time but i can feel myself yawning regularly. Also being only 5 1. Apparently the hormones came prevent girls growing.

Plus plenty of other interesting info.

It's worth a look.

It just got me down and I couldn't sleep. It's just so difficult to stop all those pcos symptoms,

I have some birthdays coming up and I will have to fight the fatigue and lose. Every one thinks i am weird! It's not normal, who goes to sleep at bbqs or noisy nights out?

Does anyone else experience this? Xx

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7 Replies
Smilithing profile image

I am gutted. Just cancelled my order with the milk man, this is so hard to do, nothing replaces milk in tea!

I am heartbroken, what a nightmare!

Speaking about upper body fat, I struggle with coats. My arms are too fat for alot of the arms in the coats!

Sorry for the moaning, it's just

This is the only place I can explain.

It is so awkward to explain to people and sort this mess out.

Sorry again.


in reply to Smilithing

>>Totally falling asleep while out socialising even at the table in restaurants or pubs (just have no control over it!???)

Yep. Used to fall asleep in class all the time. In *college*. Sounds like Sleep Apnea. Ask your GP for a sleep test to see if you're breathing properly in your sleep because PCOS can cause it and that's usually the main cause of the fatigue/sleep issues, especially if you have difficulty actually falling asleep and then keep waking up in the night and random bouts of insomnia.

Also I had to buy the largest uniform and bring it in at the waist because that was the only one that fit my arms at the time. Easier now I've kicked gluten and dairy and lost some weight. I just buy men's coats and be done with it because I noticed PCOS tends to distribute weight more like a man, even my mother noticed she carries her weight in her stomach and shoulders/arms instead of her hips and rear like a man and that was before we discovered PCOS in the family.

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Smilithing in reply to

Hi pacificrebel

I genuinely sleep like a log, and fall asleep straight away,

Sometimes I do keep waking up not often tho. Only thing in that regard is I can't lay in and can be wide awake quite early. Perhaps that stops me getting adequate sleep?

I am going to cut out dairy and gluten, haven't tried it before. Was out last night same problem, but I tried a non alcohol ale, beers have gluten. So may be have made me tired. Tho they now make gluten free beers. I was driving.

Must of been a nightmare trying to learn while feeling so sleepy. Hope you're better now?

My mum is large on her shoulders and always carried lots of weight with trouble losing it and she now has diabetes. I have always suspected she may too have some sort of pcos. She has facial hair. But back in the sixties there wasn't all the processed food with all the added sugar and other rubbish in it, everything was cooked from scratch. So is that why having children wasn't a problem for her??

They also where eating lots of fresh veg!

With dairy, I have seen that a small amount of full fat milk is ok. Cheese too. Few times I have heard it said that semi and skimmed milk is (hormone soup) I don't know. It is so confusing.


in reply to Smilithing

That's not necessarily ruling out apnea, I'd go look up the symptoms because apnea involves interrupted REM sleep which leaves someone feeling exhausted all the time, and investigate if you have it. Sleep apnea's a co-morbidity with PCOS. I used to fall asleep like a log and stay 'asleep' for 12 hours but still wake up exhausted, because I wasn't getting the REM I needed.

I don't drink alcohol at all so I can't really help you there. Beer tastes like gone off barley tea to me anyway.

The 60s was still after the whole "recommended diet" with carbs being the main food group nonsense which I think is one of the whole reasons why obesity has been on the rise since aside from adding sugar in everything. Hilariously I recently discovered fresh vegetables like kale, swede, brocoli and cauliflower just to name a few actually are anti-thyroidic and have to be cooked otherwise they reduce the amount of thyroid hormone, which PCOS has issues with already so I suspect it's probably not good for us either.

Well PCOS makes it difficult, not impossible to conceive. PCOS isn't really a reproductive disorder, it's a metabolic disorder that affects reproduction. My mom had five, with gestational diabetes in her last few pregnancies and the last one a miscarriage. She later developed diabetes and thyroid issues. I've noticed for the ladies who have strong/early PCOS symptoms usually have mothers that have been diagnosed with co-morbidities of PCOS but didn't always show the PCOS symptoms early on if at all.

Smilithing profile image
Smilithing in reply to

Morning pacificrebel

I didn't drink on sat so not sure if that's sending me to sleep, although my mates say that it does have that effect on some, but I did have a non alcoholic ale, was gonna just drink water but the boys said there was an non alcohol version and I wanted to try it. Don't know if it was sugar or gluten that later made me conk out. Didn't order too much either. Much the discruntalment of the waiter! Eating too much always makes me feel ill.

As for sleep apnea, not ruling it out, but I am not feeling tired most of the time. At weekends, i don't feel tired in the evening like when I do going out (when I do eat lots more and drink things with sugar) my mates always like to have drinks first and eat around 8.30pm, at home we eat a lot earlier and I will only get sugar from an ale. I drink far far less when I don't socialise,

Me mates are obsessed with having a drink which I find awkward and boring! Specially when I can't keep my eyes open lol.

Hols969 profile image

I take floradix (iron) which has helped me massively with tiredness.

Smilithing profile image
Smilithing in reply to Hols969

Cheers for that, I will try some.


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