So, I'm on my way to the doctors as we speak. I've felt something has been wrong for a long time, it wasn't until talking to a friend with POC that I realised the issues I'd been struggling with for years are the same that helped her get diagnosed. I'm worried Im going to get into the doctors and get fobbed off or told it's nothing. How long does it usually take to get diagnosed? Is there anything anyone would recommend to get taken seriously?
On my way for my first appointment... - PCOS UK (Verity)
On my way for my first appointment...
Mention all the symptoms you have and ask for bloods and a scan
Hi kim23
I know how frustrating not knowing can be when you feel like the clock is ticking.
You mention you had ovarian drilling but not if it was successful or not, or what the doctor said you should do after the procedure.
I’m inferring from your post that you’re not sure where you are in your treatment or the next steps. If that is the case there are some really useful websites you can refer to, NICE and RCOG are where the doctors and NHS obtain their guidelines. Here is the link to the IVF one:
Just because the doctor is ‘the expert’ doesn’t mean you can’t ask why you aren’t eligible for IVF or clomid.
Sorry it posted to soon!!
I’d always advise you to educate yourself on what the guidelines are write down any questions you may have and bring them with you to ask the doctor. The notebook is also good to jot down the answers or any info the doctor might give you as you can feel bombarded with information and it’s easy to forget with such long gaps between appointments.
Anyway, hope this helps! And good luck!