i went 1 year without my period and went to the doctor he booked me an app to get an ultrasound which I then found out and got diagnosed with PCOS at 17 years old. I didn't really get told Much information about it. I am now 24 years old and suffered a miscarriage 2 years ago at 10 weeks! I was heartbroken then 6 months later my nana collapsed in her house and I had to give her CPR, she was then taken to hospital and was there 5 days and sadly we lost her😢.. now at 24 my last period was the end of December I've not had one since, my stomach has been in So Much pain, I'm getting eggy white discharge now and again and I have done several clear blue pregnancy tests to rule it out but every time it's came back not pregnant, I'm phoning and making an app with my doctor asap and hopefully I will find out why I'm feeling the way I am and see what's going on with my body! I'm having such bad mood swings and it's not fair on me or my partner also becoming very emotional and irritated at times too! Anyone else feel this way? Or have similar symptoms?
Pcos: i went 1 year without my period and... - PCOS UK (Verity)
Stress plays havoc with the body and it sounds as if life has been pretty stressful. One thing to be proud of is you performed CPR and probably gave your nana another 5 days so all the family could be with her when she went which is a plus for you and for her. Im sure she is looking down on you with love.
One thing to consider is depression, there is a link between pcos and depression and it could be that you are suffering from it currently so may be worth going to the GP and ask to be referred to a counsellor - if you are actively trying for a baby then I wouldn't suggest anti depressants as there is not enough research, in my opinion, on pregnancy and AD's.
You do need to make sure you have 4 periods a year so ask for provera to force a bleed, this is crucial to keep your uterus healthy.
I thought the eggy discharge was more that you were ovulating rather than pregnant? Ovulation could also be the cause of the discomfort too. Look at the fertilityfriends website as this advises how to take your temperature as this is the only accurate way of seeing if you are ovulating (you don't need a period to ovulate and you can have a period but not ovulate (which was me))
Thanks so much for this info! I have a doctors app on Monday so they will be getting told haha! Hopefully they will find out why I've missed them for 6 months hopefully. I've not really felt depressed yeah I still think about her everyday and I do have flash backs every now and again of what happened but I'm happy. Xx