What does this mean? How much blood is a safe amount to loose,....I feel weak and tired, should I go to A&E
Large clot the size of a small plum - PCOS UK (Verity)
Large clot the size of a small plum
A small plum? That sounds pretty big to me.
Are you in the UK? Call 111 if you are and explain your symptoms, they will be able to advise you. Be open and honest with then, eventhough I'm sure it's something you might be shy about - don't be. Call them if you're worried. Keep yourself hydrated, give yourself a rest and if you're on your own could you let a family member know you're concerned?
Also I understand posting for help (and it's better to ask than not ask) but it's important to realise that you don't always get the quickest response and if this IS / was something to worry about and you didn't get a response for several hours, you might be putting yourself at risk. You can't rely just upon this forum if you've got potentially urgent health concerns so yes, please post, but if it were me I'd seek additional advice as well.
i agree with the above- get yourself checked- although i find when i do eventually have a period. i can go for a fair few years without having one. i've had blood clots the size of large apples and i'm normally fine except for feeling a little dizzy. i find a hot bath and a nap helps. but if in doubt get it checked out.