Hi everyone,
I emailed Waitrose to complain about their lack of bakery goods in the cafe when they do in fact have plenty of vegan options on the shelf for example, hot cross buns and vegan croissants and anything else that is accidentally vegan.
I got a response today saying that they do realise that the options for vegans are very limited and that you are free to buy anything off of the shelf and have it with a coffee in the cafe and staff are told to offer this as an option. They said it’s all due to lack of space and very strict and separate production areas being required.
Anyway I just thought I’d pass it on in case anyone is interested and I would imagine this would apply to other supermarkets as well.
When I am out and about I often ask for a vegan cake or option when I know there obviously isn’t one and even if I don’t even want it as I think it’s what helps to keep it in retailer minds that they need to cater for vegans.
Enjoy your day!
Ali 🙂🌱