I found natural cleaner in my local City Centre which only costs £1.50 which is within my budget, well done Wilkinsons.
Well done Wilkinsons: I found natural... - Vegan Foods for Life
Well done Wilkinsons

That’s interesting. Yes, well done Wilkinson’s....I wonder if it’s the same as white vinegar you buy from the supermarket? I used to use vinegar for cleaning it’s great isn’t it. It makes me hungry though. Always reminds me of chips from the chip shop. Lol 🤣 🧹 🧼
Yes very interesting and it probably is the same as the vinegar in the supermarket. It certainly is good, my husband can't stand it but I don't like the toxicity of the other cleaning products.

No, I don’t blame you at all. I like it and the smell of vinegar goes pretty quickly 🙂 apparently it’s great as a fabric conditioner for bedding and towels and doesn’t leave a smell so that’s worth a try too 🙂
It's much better using products like this, I hate chemicals. I didn't know it made a good fabric conditioner, that's good to know.😀

add a few drops of an essential oil that you like to it before adding it to your conditioner compartment in the washing machine to give it a lovely smell

dont use it on granite worktops though as it will eat into it over time
Thank you for both replies alchemilla12 , really helpful 😀

Very Interesting, I think I will try that. Cleaning products are always a worry with all those chemicals. Thank you for sharing : >
Since becoming Vegan I am thinking more and more about the chemicals, shame I'm the only one in my house that has concerns though, my hubby doesn't seem that bothered.
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Quite and my hubby has asthma, need I say more other than I get quite exasperated at times!
I am the same, my partner has COPD and emphysema, and although he cut back alot, he still smokes, I know its an addiction, but when you can't breath, not to mention the stress and worry for all the people who care about him
Oh my goodness, what a worry for you Debs, why do they do it! xx
Maybe we worry more than men 😮
I think maybe we do although my son-in-law is quite up on things in relation to the environment bless him.