Here are some of the benefits of nut milks. I love making my own nut milk it’s quick and cheap and bought milk doesn’t actually have many nuts in it. The article below tells you which milk is best for coffee or baking etc which is handy.
World plant milk day today - Vegan Foods for Life
World plant milk day today

Hi Ali, thanks for reminding us. I think that you know more about plant based milks than most of us and this is very interesting.
The one food that worries me is soy/soya and as soy milk only has 8% soy in it, so in 100ml this is 8ml/8g Which to me shows that we can enjoy soy milks etc and not ingest a lot of soy as its not like having a large portion of soy beans. And I like that. 😊

That’s interesting as I don’t like many drinks and occasionally have a soya milk hot chocolate if I fancy it and now I feel it’s probably not doing me that much harm. Funny how I realised bought nut milks don’t have many nuts but hadn’t equated that to there not being much soy in soy milk so thanks for pointing it out.
Just to add to this here's a link to plant based whipped Crean and cheeses all nut and soy free:

This looks good. I like coconut whipped cream. I noticed that if you whip it and put it in the fridge by the next day it doesn’t taste quite so much of coconut if that’s what suits what you’re using it for.
Thank you so much for this, I will have a proper look at the weekend. Interesting reading. 😀