Does anyone get bad joint pain, especially in their hands, that stops you using them for periods at a time? If so does anyone have any remedies?
Joint Pain: Does anyone get bad joint pain... - Vasculitis UK
Joint Pain

The only thing that doesn't involve meds , for me , is heat,and massage.My hands have got to be just about the worst,pain wise, and were before i was diagnosed too,my thumbs and wrists the most.If i can't rub them, mum does, very gently.Sorry i can't be more help. I just keep them as warm as i can with gloves and the small water bottles you can get now
I get alot of pain in my hands, and swelling between the knuckle joints. The best way for me is to keep them warm, pain relief and trying to keep them moving. If I stop using them it is harder to get them going again. Also rubbing in hand cream into them helps with the stretching and reducing skin from the swelling.
hope they improve soon for you

Hi Danni, i agree with the above, heat and massage very good. Try using a 'wheat bag'. Very easy and quick to sort in the microwave and provided you heat at right setting will re use and last forever virtually. Check with your Doc re meds but aswell as massage oil,before using oil etc rub on some ' Voltarol Gel' works wonders especially if you warm the area with the wheat bag first. Please check no cross over on meds though.
Always works for me! Hope this helps
What pain meds do you take they started me on asprin and it made the pain worse I could not hold any thing in my right hand and my feet were so sore I could hardley walk .Since I stoped them the pain is not nearly so bad hope this helps
My husband has had WG & kidney failure since 2009 & receives dialysis 3 times a week. He periodically has joint flare-ups in is hands,wrists, knees & feet. He asked his GP to be referred to a rheumatologist, as at his worst he has been hospitalised. The advice he was given was that he should only take paracetamol/paracetamol plus or co-codamol. He is allergic to asprin. He has been warned not to take ibuprofen but that may be because of his kidney failure, other medication or his thyroid condition. In the event of a major flare-up of the larger joints, the consultant has asked him to contact the hospital immediately so they can take fluid & investigate further, as injections may be required. He advised him that the only safe thing to do in the meantime was to double his steroids. He is reluctant to do this, however last week he suffered severe wrist & hand pain & after a few days decided to try increasing his steroids, this seemed to work as the pain eased. He then returned to his normal steroid dosage as soon as possible. He also uses those neoprene gloves to stimulate circulation & generate heat. The wheat-pack which was suggested earlier is a very good idea too. I hope either through this website or from medical advice you find something soon that will ease your pain.
Hi Danni, I have WG and suffer from joint pain occasionaly, usually hands and knees, like the advice above I have been advised to take paracetamal, co codimol and also apply ibuprofen gell,but on the advice of my consultant as I have heard that ibuprofen can effect the other medication you take, also they will increse my steriods for a short period of time, hope this helps, best of luck, James.
Thank you all very much! This is all really useful advice. I am currently at uni doing a very vocational course which means using my hands a lot. unfortunately i'm having a major flare up at the moment and will have to take a break from typing after writing this as my hands are so painful. I'm on steroids and methotrexate so am allowed and am taking paracitamol and ibruprofen. I'm seeing my consultant in a week and a half but i need something to help me get to that point.
thanks again

Hi Danni, just a thought. I try to do alot of studying and have had problems writing/typing for different reasons have you thought of buying a voice recorder (olympus do some good ones) then you can dictate your notes and provided you have college permission they will allow you to record lectures classes etc that way you won't fall behind and can type up relevant points at a later date when your hands are not as painful.
It always helps me and definitely cuts down on frustration levels.
I feel it is so important to try and continue as normal as possible and minimise the number of things that vasculitis controls.
Good luck