Hello I am being treated for MPA, renal-limited vasculitis. I'm 4 months into daily 50mg cyclo teatment after initial Rituximab treatment failed. I'm also now taking 5mg pred daily and Norvasc 5mg for hypertension management. My nephrologist says I have achieved Induction but wants to run a full 6 months on cyclo due to the initial failure we experienced with Rituximab. Within the last 2 months or so I have experienced a change in my taste which means that NOTHING tastes good and even plain water has an unpleasant taste. This is the most awful side effect I have experienced so far and means I have virtually no appetite...I have to force myself to eat to stop losing weight. Does anyone have this experience and any input on what foods have less negative taste impacts than others? I certainly cannot eat anything processed or any condiments which literally taste poisonous. Any inputs that can help me enjoy food a little bit would be greatly appreciated!!
Impact of meds on taste - best foods to eat - Vasculitis UK
Impact of meds on taste - best foods to eat
Sorry you are having horrendous side effects but on the plus the treatment is worth having.
My OH had some if the same problems but not to the same effect thank goodness. I used the cancer website and googled food and drink. Lots of helpful advice and tips.
Good luck and it will improve.
Thanks so much I will take a look there! As long as this will end shortly after the meds I suppose I can suffer through it a little longer//
Just a thought do you have oral thrush ?
Thanks I will check that out. I don't think I have the symptoms though (especially the lesions) and I do have a sense of taste but it's more the after taste that is so awful. Everything has a bad after taste, even plain water to some extent. Kind of metallic and acidic. The more processed or savory the food, the worse the after taste is. So bland less processed foods produce a less unfavorable aftertaste even though they too still leave some bad after taste. I still think it's the cyclo and maybe pred but it's just odd that it took the better part of 2-3 months to start having this negative side effect.
The best advice I received (MPO ANCA) is to eat what you usually eat during treatment as you have serious symptoms to worry about and take care of. V is a shape shifting disease where symptoms come and go and you have to be patient. You have been hit by a bus so take care and pace yourself. Plan diets once you have control of the symptoms in a year or two time.
I had a metallic taste during my cyclophosphamide treatment. Awful, isn't it? It improved with time though.