Has anyone had this yet and is it OK? I am on Benralizumab and 2.5/day pred plus usual assortment of statins/blood pressure pills and anti-platelet.
Inactive Shingles jab: Has anyone had this yet... - Vasculitis UK
Inactive Shingles jab

I had the inactivated Shingrix jab in February 2022, and the booster two months later. Everything was fine. They said I was set up for life. I have EGPA, am on low dose Preds, Mycophenolate, a dozen (literally) other things including anti-coagulants, Bp, Statins and so on.
Hello. Yes I have had Shingrix, in two instalments and it was fine. I am taking medication for thyroid, blood pressure, 5.5 mg Pred. for GCA, statins, liver.My only reaction was a temporary rise in CRP but this could have been from an abysmal cold around the same time.
Best wishes.
My GP refused to give me the jab. According to them although I am severely immunosurpressed I take below the 10 mg prednisolone minimum threshold.
Hi Kezzia and thank you for responding. Maybe they were looking at the active Shingles jab? I think the inactive jab is good and recommended for immune suppressed community. I have been doing some research but hard to be accurate looking at doctor Google which is why I asked this forum
I asked and my GP is only giving the shinrix jab. It's the government guide that stipulates a minimum 10 mg prednisolone. However, if you're fit & healthy and born after 1st Sep 1958 you qualify. It just doesn't make sense
No, it doesn't make sense. I haven't read everything online, and haven't seen anything about 10mg preds, but NHS England says,
"Dr Mary Ramsay, Director of Immunisation at the UK Health Security Agency, said: “Shingles is an extremely painful condition and complications can be long-lasting. Older people and those with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable. A newly available vaccine, Shingrix, is being offered on the NHS from September to those aged 65 and 70 years, and to those with severely weakened immune systems from 50 years of age." I was encouraged to have it last year, at over 70, and taking 5mg Prednisolone per day with Mycophenolate.
I've searched online but couldn't find any reference to a minimum 10 mg of pred and I'm waiting to hear from GP now my consultant has written to the practice.
I think they are making it up as they go along Kezzia I can’t find anything about minimum of 10mg Pred. I am not on Pred just Rituximab and had my first jab yesterday, not cast aspersions but I don’t suppose it’s anything to do with the fact it’s £240 for 2 x Doses. I had a bit of job getting it. I would ask exactly where does it say this. It’s not in the Green Book that’s for sure. Nick
I had a problem getting shingles vaccine. I'm 67, just had 2nd dose retuximab .
Spent a while explaining to nurse . They are only giving vaccine to 65 year old, and immune suppressed. She was not interested in the retuximab. I had to prove I have taken 10mg of pred for more than a week within the last 3 months . I only just managed to meet the criteria.
Very strange.
interesting, I am not on pred at the moment but on my last video consultation was told I would now need yearly rutuximab so does this mean I would not qualify. I have had shingles on my eyelid before diagnosis so obviously susceptible to this.