Dear All,
I have heard on these 'Forums', and elsewhere, about 'Trolls'- I assume that's how it's spelt. My question is this...Are these the Nasty 'On line' people, who make Nasty/ Horrible, or Hurtful, comments- as opposed to those who seek to Steal, from us. Or are They the same 'Thing'.
Sorry but I may know my 'Way Around', these pages, and be able to Order Goods 'On Line'. I can also Look Up information, watch some Films/ Videos or even Send some Video (just about). However, beyond that, I'm NOT really a 'Genius' at all! I HAVE managed to install an 'Ad Blocker'......So far, nearly 9 Thousand Ads have been Blocked!
As I said, at the Top, this IS Probably a 'Stupid' Question, However will someone 'Humour' this 'Middle Aged'...Heck...late Fifties Man' and answer/ explain this please?
Many Thanks