I have had CSS for over three years now - all has been under control and the peripheral nerves have been regenerating, albeit painfully, in my legs, feet and hand. Every time I see my consultant, he asks me if I have any skin rashes, which I haven't had until now!
Just wondering what experiences other people have had with skin rashes - mine is red blotches and incredibly itchy on the vascilitis sites. My own take is perhaps having had a chronic cough and cold (very unusual) and a fair amount of 'stress', my poor old immune system can't take it! I've also been trying to lower my steroids from seven and a half to five mlgs and I also take azapriothine. In the interim I'm upping the steroids but would really like to know what the general consensus would be. The chances of contacting my consultant at Guys hospital in London are fairly remote and I think this site is wonderful- so very informative, thank you very much!