I had a numb nose for about three mouths been to doctors but he did not know what it was did have a chest infection and voise box infection wondor if that was something to do with it getting worried about it it does hurt just numb christine dagenham
Numb nose : I had a numb nose for about three... - Vasculitis UK
Numb nose
Hello Christine, I have read your message & notice that no-one has yet put a reply on here so I thought I would at least acknowledge your post. I have to admit that I don't really understand what question you have. i struggled to read your message without punctuation but then I'm a bit old fashioned like that maybe.
Do you have Vasculitis in any form? Is the numbness in your nose a symptom. Maybe you could enlighten us a bit more so that someone may be able to help.
Hi Christine, as Nadine has said, if we are to give you a meaningful reply we need more information about you & what condition you are suffering from, other symptoms etc
Hi Christine
I'm assuming that you have already diagnosed with Vasculitis? (Just checking, as I don't want you to worry over anything unnecessarily).
I currently suffer from a numb nose right around the tip and nostrils and also have had bad throat infections as a side effect of my GPA or WG Vasculitis. This is because my condition is localized in the nose, mouth and throat area, but as you know Vasculitis can affect vessels anywhere in the body, each case varies.
I would concentrate on get your chest and throat infection sorted first.