I have tight skin on my feet, pain walking o... - Vasculitis UK
I have tight skin on my feet, pain walking on the soles of my feet and great sensitivity in my feet, although numbness on the upper side

Have your feet changed colour? Are they cold at all?
I asked because I have buerger's and your symptoms are a little simialr, but could be anything of course.
have you been to your doctor? if so what have they said?
if not, may I suggest that you do?
it needs to be looked at
my doctor treated burning.painful feet with vitamin tablets (forceval) it worked. said it was the trace elements I needed
Maybe I will try forceval and see if I have any difference. What strength do they come in?
I have b12 injections monthly. Which are supposed to help, but have not noticed any difference
I have been to the doctor who has advised me to see a neurologist. I am going, but don't hold up much hope as I have seen one before and he came up with nothing.
Can you buy( forceval )over the counter.???
I think you can but I believe its expensive,dont think they do different strengths