Hi all, I am still going through the diagnosis process for Vasculitis but after reading the route map kindly provided by someone via a link on this website Polymyalgia Rheumatica seems to be a close match to what I am feeling.
I just wondered what people experience and how people feel who have been diagnosed with this.
The picture on the route map of the inflammation of bursa resonates with my current joint/muscle pain. I'm on the 6th week of suffering this pain, which came from nowhere i.e. simply woke up with a slight dull pain which gradually became worse each day. In my previous question/post I mentioned I have suffered from the rashes/swelling etc from March but this is a more recent possible symptom.
It's pain in the shoulder blade however it is also under my armpit and round to the front of my chest, constant pain at all times. In a way I've become used to it but it is limiting my activities. My neck can not touch my chest, well I can't move it down at all. Left to right is fine. At night I have pains around my abdomen and hips and so sleeping - well I struggle put it that way.
I'm seeing a McTimoney chiropractor on Friday as maybe it is unrelated and simply a mis-alignment somewhere but my gut is telling me it's something a little more complex, it seems to affect my breathing i.e. I struggle to take deep breaths. By the way I'm 34 years old and so the route map states this is rare for anyone under 50 so I may be way off!
Welcome people's views..