I read this somewhere and wonder if it's true...
Does having vasculitis make a person vulnera... - Vasculitis UK
Does having vasculitis make a person vulnerable to other autoimmune diseases?

Hi Lynda
It is a fact that a a number of patients with vasculitis also have other AI diseases. I was diagnosed with myxodema (under active thyroid) about 15 years before I was diagnosed with WG.
I can only cite my personal experience on this. I was diagnosed with WG 22 years ago when I was 34. I had had Vitiligo (a loss of pigment in parts of my skin) since I was 17. Vitiligo is definitely AI related. Also, interestingly, my Mother had Vitiligo as did her father. I have always assumed that I inherited a 'faulty' immune system. We also believe my maternal Aunt had WG although she was never diagnosed as it was a long time ago before WG was recognised by the medics. Interesting!

I don't have vasculitis and John does not have any other immune related illness but we are contacted by people everyday with Vasculitis. It is surprising the number of people I talk to do have other immune related health problems or a member of their direct family does. I have spoken to a lady with WG who's brother has MS, another who's sister has Addisons Disease and another who's sister suffers with diabetes. We have recently received a letter fom a lady who has WG, diagnosed in 2009 who's sister died from WG in 2001. So yes I would agree with both Patricia and Dblox there seems to be a genetic relationship somewhere in some cases which makes some people have a "vulnerable" immune system.

This is very interesting! Let me add my own experience. I have an under active thyroid, that being diagnosed 40 years ago. My mother and my sister both suffer/suffered from the same problem. My sister died 4 years ago, at the age of 60, from multiple endocrine neoplasia - an auto immune disease that attacks several endocrine organs. She was diagnosed with this at age 22.
I know that scientific research has begun to look at the possibilities of a genetic link, in cases of vasculitis. Our group must be ideal for a research survey, being large in number, all vasculitis sufferers and all keen to find a way forward.
I am the only person in my family to have Psoriasis, no one as far back as we know ever had this. WG for 12 yrs now

Have had WG for 6 years now and last year developed lots of new symptoms which appear to be Sjogrens another AI disorder. I have always had lots of allergies to things like pet hair and pollen so guess I always had a faulty immune system. Oddly I am the only one in my family history to ever have any of these problems
I don't know of any definitive study which supports this from a vasculitis perspective but having a suppressed immune system is certain to leave us all more open to other diseases that we encounter. Interesting question.
I suffer from WG for the past 13 years and my brother had sarcoidosis, another rare auto immune condition and my sister has under active thyroid. Dr Jayne said he feels there is a genetic link in our family that predisposes us to auto immune conditions.
I had ME - or that's what they said at the time- 10 years ago and this year diagnosed with cutaneous vasculitis which has lasted 7 months so far. My father died from Waldenstroms gammaglobulinemia. Not sure if these are connected but I always felt they were and there's prob a genetic link somewhere.
Just want to say thank you to everyone who has replied here - it has been very helpful to me at the moment. Some of my Live Function Tests have come back abnormal particularly my GGT and AST which are high. This may just be due to all of the medications I'm on - or a sign that my liver is inflammed. I see the Dr on Thursday and want go informed. I also have inflammed tendons and want to ask if there is a connection. So thanks again for you quick reponse.